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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

A Brief History of the DAANZ

A meeting of Diplomacy players held at Toad Hall during Cancon decided to form the "DAA" (Diplomacy Association of Australia), and Andrew England and Ben Groenen were appointed the "interim co-ordinators". The first DAA Consitution was drafted over the period of a year by a committee that included Andrew England, Greg Long & Neil Ashworth. Andrew England was quite active in holding a "DAA Forum" that opened for discussion such things as what form the Australian Diplomacy Championships, and the title of Australian Champion should take. Unfortunately, Andrew chose to step aside after 6 months. 

Ben Groenen was elected as sole co-ordinator (aka President) and Joshua Cole as Returning Officer. 
Ben's (only) newsletter proposed having a $15 membership fee to publish a DAA magazine. This did not eventuate. Memberships were $5 per person. 

Co-ordinator (aka President): Harry Kolotas (reluctantly). 
Harry was quite active and published a few newsletters and reports of his ideas. He actively sought sponsorship from game companies and shops. He, along with John Cain, was responsible for getting the Bismark Cup scoring system off the ground. Memberships: $5.

President: Anthony Swinnerton, Secretary: Andrew England. 

President: Big Wig Ken Sproat. 
Ken was very active and published his report "From the Horses Mouth" on a regular basis. He was one of the first hobby people to seek players over the net. Ken was a good president. Ken instituted his MasterPoints system and (later) brought scoring systems back to basics in using a KISS system for the first time. Memberships: $2.

President: Andrew Cheevers, Secretary: Andrew Geraghty, Returning Officer: Gareth Collins. 
A new Consitution was drawn up (AC was, afterall, a lawyer) which constitutes our current one. Mr Cheevers, unfortunately, disappeared quickly from the scene - in the middle of his term! Memberships: $2.

President: Andrew Goff, Secretary: Ian van der Werff.
Ian began publishing the RAG and was one of the best officials that the DAA had ever had. His clashes with Andrew Geraghty were legendary.... 

President: Stephen Muzzatti, Secretary: Ian van der Werff, Returning Officer: Andrew Goff.
Ian had to step aside because of personal commitments and didn't seek a third term. 

President: Stephen Muzzatti, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Andrew Goff, Public Officer: Jason Whitby.

President: Andrew Goff, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Jason Whitby.
At the Annual General Meeting on 24 January 1999 in Canberra, a resolution to change the name of the assocation from The Diplomacy Association of Australia (DAA) to The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand (DAANZ) was unanimously approved, along with related changes to the Constitution.

President: Rob Stephenson, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Brandon Clarke. As part of his agenda for the DAANZ, Rob Stephenson moved to establish a number of sub-committees to take responsibility for various hobby activities. At World Dipcon (WDC) 2000 in Baltimore. A successful bid was made to host WDC 2002 in Australia, in Canberra over Easter.

President: Shane Cubis, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Gary Johnson and Public Officer: Rob Stephenson. Rob Stephenson stepped down as President to concentrate his efforts on organizing WDC 2002.

President: Shane Cubis, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Sean Coleman and Public Officer: Tristan Lee.

President: Geoff Kerr, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick, Returning Officer: Sean Coleman and Public Officer: Tristan Lee.

President : Will Black, Secretary: Craig Sedgwick Returning Officer: Sean Colman and Public Officer: Tristan Lee. The continuing Executive recognise the long standing departing Executive members Craig Sedgwick 1998-2004 (Secretary) and Tristan Lee (2002-2004) (Public Officer). New Players Free, atracting no DAANZ fees and a pay back system for cash straped TD's

President : Will Black, Secretary: Sean Colman Returning Officer: Grant Steel and Public Officer: Shane Beck.

President : Will Black, Secretary: Sean Colman Returning Officer: Grant Steel and Public Officer: Shane Beck. Changes to the Constitution to allow meetings and announcements made addtionally by Email via Ozdip-l and DAANZ-Announce. Disscussions made about holding another World Diplomacy Championships.

President : Grant Steel, Secretary: Thorin Munro, Returning Officer: Tristan Lee. World Diplomacy Chmapionshps 2011 to be held in Sydney.

Bill Brown, 11 Oct 1998  
(Additions by John Cain, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)
(Additions by Will Black 2006)

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 20 December, 2010
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