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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

The Diplomacy Association of
Australia and New Zealand (DAANZ)

About the DAANZ
The purposes of the DAANZ are:
  1. to publicise and promote the game of Diplomacy and games of a similar type within Australia and New Zealand;
  2. to provide a forum for the discussion of issues of importance to Australian and New Zealand Diplomacy players;
  3. to oversee the conduct of Diplomacy tournaments within Australia and New Zealand.
The DAANZ is incorporated in Victoria, Incorporated Association no. A0029615P. The registered address of the DAANZ is PO Box 543, Hawthorn, VIC, 3122, AUSTRALIA.
DAANZ Officials (2010)
President: Grant Steel
Secretary: Thorin Munro
Public Officer: Tristan Lee

You can find out more about the role of DAANZ officials here.
Membership of the DAANZ costs $5.00 (Australian) per year. If you are not a current member but you want to join, please send your membership fee to Tristan Lee. Email him for address details
Tournament Organisation
The DAANZ encourages Diplomacy tournaments throughout Australia and New Zealand, providing resources and advice to tournament organisers. To assist tournament organisers, the following information is provided:
Other Documents

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 20 December, 2010
About this site.