Role of DAANZ OfficialsPresident: Chair all meetings. Ensure Public Officer (see below) completes yearly paperwork for Consumer and Business Affairs Victoria. Bi-monthly reports to ozdip/DAANZ announce. Notification of AGM and agenda a month before the AGM date. Follow up on minutes and insure actions from meetings/minutes are carried out. Become a central point for the hobby. If you don't know the answer to the question know the person who knows the answer. Delegate roles to helpers and follow up on them. Returning Officer/Publicity Officer: This role has become one more of publicity than just a returning officer. As returning officer he is responsible for making sure all elections are run to the rules of the association. As publicity officer he maintains web pages. mail outs. any forms of advertising to promote the hobby. Many of his/her roles are in conjunction with those of the President and Secretary as they all strive for the same goals. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for keeping up to date records of finances, memberships, minutes and agendas of meetings. His roles also overlap with that of the President and the Returning/Publicity officer to promote the hobby. Craig Sedgwick, Secretary, 5 May 2002 Public Officer: The DAANZ is an incorporated association registered in Victoria. The DAANZ must have a Public Officer, who must be a resident of Victoria. Any member of the Executive may be the Public Officer, or the Executive may appoint another person to be the Public Officer. The Public Officer must file certain paperwork each year to the Registrar of Incorporated Associations, Consumer and Business Affairs Victoria. More information about the paperwork which the Public Officer must file may be found at the Consumer and Business Affairs Victoria website. Added by John Cain, 6 May 2002
Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no.
Last modified:
9 September, 2009