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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

DAANZ Policy on Tournament Affiliation

The DAANZ strongly encourages the affiliation of all Australian and New Zealand Diplomacy tournaments. The following criteria must be met for a tournament to be affiliated with the DAANZ: the results of affiliated tournaments are counted towards Master Points and the Bismark Cup.

Criteria for DAANZ Affiliation

Before the tournament ...

  1. The timing of the tournament must be approved by the DAANZ Committee.
  2. The scoring system used at the tournament must be approved by the DAANZ Committee.
  3. The tournament rules must be approved by the DAANZ Committee.
  4. The Tournament Organiser must agree to use the Player Registration and Game Data forms.
  5. The Tournament Organiser must agree to pay the Tournament Affiliation fee to the DAANZ at the conclusion of the tournament.

After the tournament ...

  1. The Tournament Affiliation fee and the Player Registration forms must be received by the DAANZ Secretary within one (1) month of the tournament. The tournament results will not be considered for Master Points or the Bismark Cup until this is done.
  2. The Game Data forms and the Final Results must be sent to the Results Custodian within one (1) month of the tournament.

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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