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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

DAANZ Policy on Tournament Timing

The Tournament Calendar

When deciding whether or not to affiliate a tournament, the DAANZ Committee takes the following timetabling issues into account:

  • is there an existing affiliated tournament at or around that time?
  • is there an existing affiliated tournament in or near that geographic region?

The DAANZ Committee will not affiliate a tournament scheduled at the same time as an existing affiliated tournament, and may not affiliate a tournament scheduled at around the same time as another tournament, particularly if the two tournaments are in geographically close locations. When deciding whether or not to affiliate a new tournament (i.e. one that was not held the previous year), the DAANZ Committee will consider the number of tournaments held in that geographic region and may not affiliate a new tournament in a region with an existing tournament.

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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