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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

DAA Rag #1

Newsletter of the Diplomacy Association of Australia
Issue #1
August 1996


The "DAA Rag" is born

This newsletter has been created to keep DAA members up to date with information relevant to Diplomacy in Australia.

It is being produced primarily to provide advance notice of forthcoming tournaments and a forum for members views on matters of relevance to the DAA (especially tournament rules and playing conditions).

The DAA Rag is not intended to be a Zine! It will neither provide hints on strategy nor run postal games. There are a number of Zines in Australia that already cater to these needs. Some of these are noted within this newsletter.

Please contact me if you have any additional information that is appropriate for inclusion in this newsletter, especially articles for the Forum (see inside) and information on other Diplomacy clubs or Zines that may have been omitted from this issue. The deadline for issue #2 is the end of October.

Editor:	Ian van der Werff (Secretary)
	GPO Box 170B
	Melbourne VIC 3001
	Phone/Fax: (03) 9663 8572
	email: ivdw@acslink.net.au



Many thanks are due to the editors of FIST, 17 Centres and Western Front, who have kindly offered to include a copy of this newsletter in their first issue after mid-August. Details of each of these Zines are provided elsewhere in this issue.

This does mean that those people who subscribe to more than one of these Zines will receive more than one copy of this newsletter.

My thanks also to those people who have encouraged the production of this newsletter, and those who have contributed information.



The views expressed in Forum articles are not necessarily those held by the DAA. However, the DAA will provide advance notice of changes being considered to provide its members with the opportunity to comment on them before they are finalised.

Tournament Scoring Systems

It is my opinion that all DAA sanctioned tournaments should use either the CRASS (Centre Result And Survival Scores) or the KISS (Ken's Ingenious Scoring System). In particular, I am not in favour of systems that take into account the a countries average number of supply centres over the course of the game (or similar methods).

The DAA is considering a complete overhaul of the official tournament rules. One of the changes being considered is the adoption of 2 or 3 approved scoring systems, one of which must be used for the tournament to be eligible for the Bismark Cup and Master Points.
Ian van der Werff

Variant Diplomacy Tournaments

There are now a large number of Diplomacy variant games available (especially Colonial Diplomacy). If the level of interest in these variants increases to the stage where tournaments are held for them, should the results be eligible for the Bismark Cup and Master Points?

Another option to consider is the creation of a new scoring system (Variant Master Points?) for Colonial Diplomacy and other variants.
Ian van der Werff

Tournament Option for Australia

I have been involved with the hobby for almost two years now, and with one exception, all tournaments have been held in ACT, NSW or VIC. After discussions with a number of people, I would like to suggestion the following DAA-sanctioned tournament timetable:
	Australian Championship		end Jan
	VIC Championship		Easter
	ACT Championship		May
	NSW Championship		June
	NT Championship			August
	WA Championship			Oct
	Don Challenge Cup		Nov / Dec

This would obviously be dependent upon someone within each of the states being prepared to organise each tournament. This person would then have to formally advise the DAA of their intention to hold the tournament.
Ian van der Werff


Australian Clubs

At the time of writing, I only knew of 3 Diplomacy Clubs in Australia where face-to-face games are played on a regular basis. Please provide me with the appropriate details of any other clubs (or regular meetings) within Australia.

The Diplomacy Club of Canberra (DCOC).

Meets 1st Friday of every month at the Slovenian Australian Association. Nominal starting time 7pm.

The Perth Diplomacy Club.

Meets 3rd Sunday of every month at the loft (above the tavern) at the University of Western Australia. Nominal starting time 11am.

Victorian Diplomacy Club (VDC).

Meets 3rd Saturday of every month at the Student Union Building, Melbourne University (2nd floor). Nominal starting time 12pm. A number of different board games are played at this meeting.


Diplomacy on the Internet

For those of you with access to the internet, there are a number of home pages of interest to the international Diplomacy community. Diplomacy games can also be played over the internet, either by correspondence directly with the other players and the game master, or through the Judge (a computer program that tracks the progress of games and interprets the results of moves).

Home Pages:
The following is a short list of some of the Diplomacy home pages available. These pages generally highlight additional home pages that can be found.

The Diplomatic Pouch


Games over the Internet:
Both the above homepages cover how to play and join Diplomacy games over the Internet.

Diplomacy News Group:

Subscribe to this news group to read and/or partake in Diplomacy discussions. Tournaments in various parts of the world are often advertised herein.


DAA Tournament Results

1996 NSW Diplomacy Championship

This 3 round, 4 board, 30 player tournament was played over the weekend of 8-10 June in Sydney. The results are summarised below:
1st place:	Andrew Goff		50
2nd place:	Bill Brown		41
3rd place:	Geoff Kerr		39
4th place:	Mark Pollinger		36
5th place:	Harry Kolotas		34
6th place:	Craig Sedgwick		32
7th place:	Rob Stephenson		32
Best Countries:
Austria:	Andrew Goff		16
England:	Phil Orme		16
France:		Mark Pollinger		18
Germany:	Tristan Lee		11
Italy:		Bill Brown		15
Russia:		Harry Kolotas		16
Turkey:		Rob Stephenson		11

Best Novice:		Choong Yeung
Best Intermediate:	Stephen Muzzatti
Best Senior:		Andrew Goff


Forthcoming Tournaments

The following list of tournaments have been approved by the DAA. The results of these tournaments will count for inclusion in the Bismark Cup and Master Points. Details of the later tournaments will be updated in subsequent issues of this newsletter.

ACT Diplomacy Championships

Location:	Slovenian Australian Association
Date:		5/6 Oct, 1996
Organiser/GM:	Andrew Geraghty
		16 Bateman Street
		Kambah ACT 2902
		Ph: 06 231 2686
Format:		3 rounds over 2 days
		Colonial Dip on 7 Oct
Scoring System:	
Cost:		$15
NB:		Colonial Diplomacy will be played on 7 Oct 
		(Labour Day in NSW, ACT and SA).

Don Challenge Cup, Victoria

Location: 	to be confirmed
Date:		, 1996
Organiser:	Rob Stephenson
		18 Grevillea Rd
		East Doncaster 3109
		Ph: 03 9842 7134
GM:		John Cain
Format:		3 rounds over 2 days
Scoring System:	not yet determined
Cost:		$15

Australian Diplomacy Championships

Location: 	with CanCon (venue not finalised)
Date:		, 1997
Organiser:	Andrew Goff
		123 Duffy Street
		Ainslie ACT 2602
		Ph: 06 247 0703
GM:		Ken Sproat
Format:		3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System:	CRASS
Cost:		$28

Victorian Diplomacy Championships

Location: 	University High School
		part of Conquest '97
Date:		Easter, 1997
Organiser:	John Cain
GM:		Ian van der Werff
Format:		3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System:	CRASS
Cost:		not yet determined



The following three Zines are produced in Australia. A short description of the contents of each Zine is shown where this has been provided by the Editor.

17 Centres

Andrew Goff, 123 Duffy St, Ainslie, ACT, 2602. Concentrates on Diplomacy.


Australia's Premier Diplomacy Magazine
Features Snail Mail Postal Diplomacy games and Email Diplomacy games (Normal and Gunboat). Current Diplomacy news, (National and International), Tournament Info, Reports and Results, Diplomacy Gossip. Also includes Chess Articles, A War Quiz, Crossword, Postal Scrabble, a little nudity (sometimes), Stories and Cartoons. FIST costs $2-50 an issue, comes out approx every 5 weeks and is edited and published by:
Andy Turner, 18 Margaret St, Stuart Park, NT 0820. Tel: (08)8941- 8620. Email: turne44@ibm.net

Western Front

A 24-page PBM games zine published every 6 weeks. The games offered are mainly strategy boardgames adapted for postal play, and include titles such as Empires in Arms, Warlords, Pax Britannica and of course Diplomacy. Railroad games are becoming more popular, with games of 1830 and Railway Rivals having recently started. The most popular game is En Garde! which is a roleplaying game set in the France of the Three Musketeers. As well as games, each issue includes a number of history articles and comment on current events (with a focus on Asia). Cost is $2.00 an issue. Write to: Brad Martin, 15 Turo Close, Willetton 6155, Western Australia.


Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held on 8 June 1996 at the Sydney tournament. The following people were elected officers of the DAA.

President:		Andrew Goff (ACT)
Secretary:		Ian van der Werff (VIC)
Returning Officer:	Steven Muzzatti (NSW)

A vote was put to the meeting to raise the annual subscription rate to $5 (from January 1997) in order to fund a quarterly newsletter to all DAA members. The first issue of the newsletter (you're reading it) was to be more widely distributed among Diplomacy gamers generally, to encourage them to join the DAA (so let's hear from you!).


DAA Membership

To become a member of the DAA, please forward your annual subscription, along with appropriate contact details, to:
Andrew Goff, 123 Duffy St, Ainslie, ACT, 2602

The annual subscription for 1997 has been set at $5. For new members, the $5 will cover the remainder of this year and 1997.


Bismark Cup

The Bismark Cup is awarded to the player who performs the most consistently at tournaments over a calendar year. The number of points received varies according to a number of factors, including:
  • placing in the tournament
  • number of boards in the tournament
  • level of tournament (national, state, local).

Where a player participates in more than 4 tournaments, only the best 4 count for Bismark Cup points.

The following list has been summarised from information supplied by Bill Brown. Three tournaments have been played this year:

  • Australian
  • Victorian
  • New South Wales.
 Placing	State			 Total
	1	NSW	Craig Sedgwick	 162
	2	VIC	Bill Brown	 121
	3	ACT	Andrew Goff	 111
	4	NSW	Mark Pollinger		96
	5	VIC	Rob Stephenson		72
	6	ACT	David Gould		70
	7	VIC	Gary Bekker		67
		NSW	Geoff Kerr		67
	9	VIC	Richard Orme		65
	10	NSW	Harry Kolotas		58
	11	VIC	Tristan Lee		55
		NSW	Steve Muzzatti		55
	13	ACT	Reg Philp		53
	14	VIC	Ian van der Werff	49
	15	VIC	Frank Meerbach		46
	16	VIC	Ken Sproat		44
	17	NT	Rohan Keene		38
	18	ACT	Chris Goff		37
	19	VIC	Andrew Bushby		36
	20	VIC	Phil Orme		25
	21	VIC	David Currell		20
		VIC	Rodney Noble		20
		NSW	Choong Yeung		20
	24	ACT	Chris Nairn		15
		VIC	Michael Ruschena	15
		ACT	Tri Vo			15
10 points:
Chris Allen, Tim Anderson, Andrew Cheevers, Gary Donovan, Russell Dovey, Jorge Garcia, Matt Hastings, David Murnane, Marcus Schtenko, Adam Stewart, Doug Stewart, Craig Thomson, Dugal Ure, Min Vui Voon, Nick Wheatstone, Jason Whitby, Ian Whitchurch

5 points:
Neil Ashworth, Shane Beck, David Blom, Tom Drake-Brockman, Peter Drew, Bernard Duggan, Peter Eckersley, Andrew Geraghty, Andrew Harding, Luke Hoban, James Kwan, Cline Lane, Trevor O'Shannessay, Kerry Slavin, Simon Summersfield, Roger Swift


Master Points

We apologise for this brief interruption in transmission. Due to problems with Australia Post, the current Master Points list did not reach me in time for this issue. Normal viewing will be resumed as soon as possible.
Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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