DAA Rag #3
Newsletter of the Diplomacy Association of Australia
Issue #3
February 1997
Notice of AGM
The AGM of the Diplomacy Association of Australia will be held on
Saturday 29 March 1997 during the lunch break of the 2nd day of the
Victorian Diplomacy Championship at University High School in Melbourne.
The Financial Statements for the 1996/97 year will be presented at
the AGM. You must have paid your 1997subscription ($5) in order to
participate in the meeting.
The following 2 remits will be discussed and voted on at the meeting:
- That the DAA not renew its public liability tournament insurance
covering tournament organisers, given that there are currently
only 2 tournaments that require this coverage (ACT and Don Challenge);
- Given that the first remit is successful, that the $1/player/game
Tournament Affiliation Fee still be charged in order to fund
any possible promotional activities that the DAA may want to
engage in.
The main concern with #1 is that we may not be able to find organisers
for the two tournaments after 6 Nov 1997 (the date the insurance lapses).
I realise there are points for and against #2. By bringing it into
the open it can be discussed and agreed by the members. Current DAA
members who will not be at the AGM can submit their votes for these
remits directly to me.
DAA Subscription for 1997
This is the last call for 1996 members who have not yet paid their
1997 subscription. Please forward your 1997 subscription ($5) to myself
(Ian van der Werff) or pay at the Victorian Diplomacy Championships
in order to receive further issues of this newsletter.
The views expressed in Forum articles are not necessarily those held
by the DAA. It will be used to float various ideas on changes to various
aspects of the hobby, to see what the reaction is from members of
the DAA.
Where the DAA is 'formally' considering changes, these will be
promulgated elsewhere within this newsletter (ie, not in the Forum).
Variant Diplomacy Tournaments
Suggestions to exclude Colonial is an example of blinkered thinking.
I thought we were trying to expand the hobby? Shouldn't we find
Andrew Geraghty
Tournament Options for Australia
Issue 1 had a 1997 proposed timetable which shifted events around.
This was done without consultation with clubs, certainly not with
ours. Yet it was presented as if it HAD such support. If a Canberra
tournament were held in between Melbourne (Easter) and Sydney (June)
it could be nothing but a failure with insufficient time for players
to recover and spend on more travel. I do not believe the ACT Champs
should shift from October; any argument that the long weekend makes
it easier to travel to, say, WA, is vacuous because it isn't a long
weekend in Victoria. Issue 2 suggests Canberra in July. ARE YOU
MAD? Canberra in mid-winter? What blockhead wants that? And why
the big gap between July and Nov/Dec for Don Challenge for most
east coast players?
Andrew Geraghty
Yes, the 1997 proposed timetables were proposed without consultation
with the clubs, but there was discussion with a number of players
from various states (just who does get to speak for "clubs"?).
But it was certainly not presented as if it had the support of
clubs. I thought it was stated quite clearly that the Forum was
a place for suggestions, against which people can make comments
(and I appreciate those above relating to dates - I only have
a problem with the inferences made). As for Canberra in mid-winter,
the "blockhead's" name is clearly stated. And finally, I believe
the big gap for east coast players was to encourage them to try
and make it to WA if they organise a tournament in that time frame.
Subsequent communications with a representatives from NT and
WA indicate that there are currently no plans to hold a tournament
in either of those states in 1997. However, Andy Turner is investigating
the possibility of holding a tournament in SA in 1998, and there
will be a tournament in NT (Alice Springs) in January 1998.
Ian van der Werff
Changes to DAA Tournament Rules
I repeat: a National rules system must provide minimum and maximum
parameters for play within which games are played. Otherwise there
isn't a fair basis for comparison. While the 1920 limit may seem
unnecessary with a score system such as CRASS, it only takes one
collective vote to change that and you have the potential for imbalanced
national scores.
Andrew Geraghty
Could the rules be published in the Rag? This will help people
formulate an idea what the changes are about and then they can
have input. (The rules appear later in this issue.) Bill
also has the following comments on two of Andrew Goff's suggestions
published in issue #2:
GM by committee:
An argument exists that a Tournament should have a neutral GM
who does not compete and remains detached from seeding, scoring
and administration. These questions should be addressed before
we formally allow for GM by committee.
National Scoring System
I move that we adopt CRASS as the National Approved Scoring System,
and include a list of possible alternatives with a proviso that
another system can be used provided it goes before an appropriate
committee before being used at a DAA accreditated Tournament.
Bill Brown
Time Draws
I am interested to see how anyone can come up with a simpler time
draw system. Good luck.
Andrew Geraghty
Tournament Time Warnings
WHY change the rules on time warnings? It couldn't be any simpler!
The rules state that players must have their orders in on time and
it is THEIR responsibility to do so. A warning is a bonus, not a
necessity. Anything else is pandering to the carping of players
who can't manage their time.
Andrew Geraghty
Financial Accounts
The "financial accounts" do not include the alleged payment of $363.83
for national public liability coverage as an item of the accounts,
nor does it detail with whom the coverage was taken. Despite asking
the President for some physical proof of this in October, I have
yet to get anything. Secondly, the money owed by Cheevers is also
a line item NOT a "footnote" and no mention has been made of what
has or will be done to recover this money.
Andrew Geraghty
As of 10/11/96, the liability for the insurance had not been
passed onto the DAA by myself. This occurred at Don Challenge.
For the record, the insurance is with VACC Insurance (# PRG/0283531),
and it is current until 4 Nov 1997. Also, the financial accounts
shown were in the form of a cash flow record. The balance sheet
and profit/loss record will be made available at the AGM. Editor
Tournament Affiliation Fees
The method of calculating the public liability funds owed, as stated,
is incorrect. It has only ever been levied on FULL-TIME players,
ie those who play in every round of the event.
Andrew Geraghty
I can't comment on distant past history, but I do know that
over the last year (at least) the affiliation fee has been collected
at a rate of $1/player/game (with the exception of GM positions).
I would appreciate hearing from other people about this matter.
Tournament Advertising
Pre-event advertising has been appalling. How can people attend if
they don't know it's on until a weekend before it happens? That's
when I got my Don Challenge flyer. I had already planned to go but
had to cancel due to family commitments. But what about those who
were wondering and didn't go to the ACT Champs (where was it mentioned)?
Andrew Geraghty
Pre-event advertising is one of the responsibilities of the
organiser of a tournament. The DAA certainly does not have enough
funds to do any large scale advertising (the affiliation fee covers
insurance only) - especially with the low turn outs we are getting
at the moment! Be that as it may, all future tournaments are now
being notified in this newsletter. Notification of the ACT tournament
was included in Issue #1, which was supposed to go to all subscribers
to zines. I was assured by Andrew Goff that he passed on a copy
to the two members of the DAA who do not receive a zine - including
Andrew Geraghty. As for the flyer for the Don Challenge included
in Issue #2, I was sent those by the organisers of that tournament,
for inclusion in the newsletter. Finally, the newsletter did come
out one week later than intended, as I did not have the addresses
of members (in fact, I still don't have them all, so if anyone
knows Craig Thomson or Reg Philp, could they please pass their
addresses onto me). Editor
Changes to Bismark Cup and Masterpoints
As the new Custodian of the Masterpoints, I have strong feelings against
tampering with the system as is. The system seems to work and any
change should only come about with strong logical argument and a
proven reason for change. Why make 15 scored for Champions? Why
make it easier to become a Senior? Arguments and reasons should
be given for these changes.
Bill Brown
New System for Drawing Boards in Tournaments
I agree that something should be tried to give newcomers a better
go. In the past it was suggested that we put inexperienced players
in a seperate section at least for their first tournament. This
was when we had 50-60 players turning up for tournaments, but given
our numbers now it is impractical. I agree that at least one round
should be set aside for one game for less experienced players, and
the experienced players play with reduced numbers. I think the Swiss
system should be given more thought before being tried.
Bill Brown
Should we keep forking out around $300 a year just to cover one or
two Tournaments that exist outside the convention circuit? This
seems a waste of money to me.
Bill Brown
See Remits #1 & 2 to be voted on at the AGM. Editor
Australasian Clubs
At the time of writing, I only knew of 3 Diplomacy Clubs in Australasia
where face-to-face games are played on a regular basis. Please provide
me with the appropriate details of any other clubs (or regular meetings)
within Australia and New Zealand.
The Diplomacy Club of Canberra (DCOC)
- Meets 1st Friday of every month at the Slovenian Australian
Association. Starting time is 7pm.
The Perth Diplomacy Club
- Meets 3rd Sunday of every month at the loft (above the tavern)
at the University of Western Australia. Nominal starting time
Victorian Diplomacy Club (VDC)
- Meets 3rd Saturday of every month at the Student Union Building,
Melbourne University (2nd floor). Nominal starting time 12pm.
A number of different board games are played at this meeting.
VDC Slush Funds
As some of you may be aware, I am a proponent of openness in the hobby
about funding, both in theory and in practice (unlike some). I would
therefore like to set forth the following information about the VDC
slush fund, of which I am the current custodian.
The current VDC slush fund was the result of the under-organisation
of the 1996 Victorian Diplomacy Championships (Easter). No trophies
had been purchased, and after covering a few minor expenses, to
the best of my recollection, $282 was left over from the money
received by me (as GM) from Conquest '96. The following summary
details what this money has been spent upon:
Item Amount Balance
Initial slush fund + $282 $282
To Ian V.D.W. for DAA - $72 $210
(note 1)
To Bill Brown for VDC96 - $60 $150
trophies (note 2)
To Rob Stephenson for - $10 $140
timer (note 3)
To Rob Stephenson for - $30 $110
Don96 loss (note 4)
Current balance $110
- This item represent a payment of $1 per person per round for
DAA affiliation fees, which are used by the DAA to pay for public
liability insurance.
- These trophies were distributed by Bill Brown to eligible
place-getters. Enquiries on this matter should be directed to
Bill Brown.
- A small cooking timer used for timing diplomacy periods during
tournaments as an assistance the to GM. Currently in the custody
of John Cain.
- The 1996 Don challenge made a direct loss of $30.00 (after
paying for rent of the venue, trophies, and DAA affiliation
fees). Other expenses (mail-outs, coffee, etc) were paid for
by Rob Stephenson from his own pocket.
I am holding the remaining $110 in trust for the good of the Victorian
Diplomacy hobby. It will be used to cover any losses arising from
future tournaments, as a float for expenses such as trophies, to pay
for publicity for the Victorian Diplomacy Club, and so forth.
All the best,
John Cain, j.cain@unimelb.edu.au
DAA Tournament Results
1996 Don Challenge Cup
This 3 round, 3 board, tournament was played over the weekend of 23/24
November in Melbourne.
The results are summarised below:
Player Points
1st place: Rohan Keane 36
2nd place: Ken Sproat 35
3rd place: David Currell 34
4th place: Richard Orme 34
5th place: Bill Brown 30
6th place: Doug Stewart 24
7th place: Jason Whitby 17
Best Countries:
Austria: Rohan Keane 11
England: David Currell 14
France: Rohan Keane 14
Germany: Jason Whitby 3
Italy: Frank Meerbach 7
Russia: Richard Orme 11
Turkey: Bill Brown 13
1997 Australian Championships
This 3 round, 3 board, tournament was played over the weekend of 25-27
January in Canberra.
The results are summarised below:
1st place: Harry Kolotas 38
2nd place: Tri Vo 30
3rd place: David Gould 30
4th place: Bill Brown 29
5th place: Ian van der Werff 28
6th place: Craig Sedgwick 27
7th place: Geoff Kerr 26
Best Countries:
Austria: Stephen Muzzatti 10
England: Luc Gentet 16
France: Tri Vo 15
Germany: Harry Kolotas 13
Italy: Andrew Goff 8
Russia: David Gould 8
Turkey: Alwyn Patterson 16
Forthcoming Tournaments
The following list of tournaments have been approved by the DAA. The
results of these tournaments will count for inclusion in the Bismark
Cup and Master Points. Details of the later tournaments will be updated
in subsequent issues of this newsletter.
1997 Victorian Diplomacy Championships
Location: with Conquest '97
University High School
Parkville, Melbourne
Date: 28-30 March, 1997
Liaison: John Cain
PO Box 4317
Melbourne University
Carlton VIC 3052
Ph: 03 9372 0110
GM: Ian van der Werff
Format: 3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System: CRASS
Cost: $35, paid before 14 March to:
Conquest '97
PO Box 310
Knoxfield MDA VIC 3180
1997 NSW Diplomacy Championships
Location: with SAGA '97
Canterbury Girls High School
Church Road
Date: 7-9 June, 1997
Liaison: Craig Sedgwick
02 9661 3926
015 894 670
Harry Kolotas
02 9975 1538
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: $30
1997 ACT Diplomacy Championships
Location: tba
Date: 4-5 October, 1997
Liaison: tba
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 2 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
1997 Don Challenge Cup
Location: tba
Date: tba
Liaison: tba
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 2 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
1998 NT Diplomacy Championships
Location: Alice Springs
Date: mid-January (during the week)
Liaison: Andy Turner
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 4 days (rest day)
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
1998 Australian Diplomacy Championships
Location: Canberra
Date: 24-26 January 1998
Liaison: tba
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
The following three Zines are produced in Australia and New Zealand.
A short description of the contents of each Zine is shown where this
has been provided by the Editor.
Damn the Consequences (DtC)
- A 20-page, 6-weekly zine, running dip and its variants, as well
as Sopwith, Machiavelli & Railway Rivals. Brendan has designed
3 NZ maps he wishes to run for the latter. He also wishes to start
a word game or two, New World, Maharaja, WS & IM and even IGT's
"Journeys of St Paul".
DtC costs NZ$1.50 in NZ and NZ$2 in Australia.
Contact: Brendan Whyte
96 Waiatarua Road
Auckland 5
New Zealand
ph: ++64 9 524-4307
- Australia's Premier Diplomacy Magazine
Features Snail Mail Postal Diplomacy games and Email Diplomacy
games (Normal and Gunboat). Current Diplomacy news, (National
and International), Tournament Info, Reports and Results, Diplomacy
Gossip. Also includes Chess Articles, A War Quiz, Crossword,
Postal Scrabble, a little nudity (sometimes), Stories and Cartoons.
FIST costs $2-50 an issue, comes out approx every 5 weeks and
is edited and published by:
Andy Turner, 3/14 Thornton St, Kensington, SA, 5068. Tel: (08)
8361 2582
Email: turne44@ibm.net
Western Front
- A 24-page PBM games zine published every 6 weeks. The games
offered are mainly strategy boardgames adapted for postal play,
and include titles such as Empires in Arms, Warlords, Pax Britannica
and of course Diplomacy. Railroad games are becoming more popular,
with games of 1830 and Railway Rivals having recently started.
The most popular game is En Garde! which is a roleplaying game
set in the France of the Three Musketeers. As well as games,
each issue includes a number of history articles and comment
on current events (with a focus on Asia). Cost is $2.00 an issue.
Write to: Brad Martin, 15 Turo Close, Willetton 6155, Western
17 Centres
- I am informed by the editor that this 'zine has now ceased
DAA Cash Flow (1996-97)
Note: The details of the DAA cash flow is provided for the benefit
of its members. These details are not to be reproduced in any other
Item $ $
Initial Balance (1/7/96) 0.00
Subscriptions, '96 34.00
Subscriptions, '97 105.00
Tournament Fees:
Australian Championship '96 54.00
Victorian Championships 72.00
NSW Championship 80.00
ACT Championships not received
Don Challenge 55.00
Australian Championship '97 not received
Total Income 400.00
DAA Insurance 363.85
Mailing Expenses 4.50
DAA Rag #1 2.00
DAA Rag #2 34.75
Purchase of Account Book 8.50
Stationery 2.35
Telephone (Tolls) 45.75
Total Expenses 461.70
Balance as at 21/1/97 -61.70
Notes to the accounts:
- Andrew Cheevers has stated that he has $230 of DAA money which
will be paid back before the AGM
- The ACT and Australian Championships have yet to pay their
tournament affiliation fees (for insurance).
Plans for Australian Diplomacy Archives
It is my intention to computerise all records for Australian Diplomacy
Tournaments and hopefully have them incorporated into Ken Sproat's
Diplomacy homepage in the future.
Bill Brown
1996 Bismark Cup - Final Results
The Bismark Cup is awarded to the player who performs the most consistently
at tournaments over a calendar year.
The following list has been summarised from information supplied
by Bill Brown. Five tournaments were played in 1996:
- Australian
- Victorian
- New South Wales
- Australian Capital Territory
- Don Challenge Cup
Placing State Total
1 NSW Craig Sedgwick 201
2 ACT Andrew Goff 171
3 VIC Bill Brown 151
4 NT Rohan Keene 143
5 VIC Ken Sproat 113
6 VIC Rob Stephenson 99
7 VIC Richard Orme 98
8 NSW Mark Pollinger 96
9 VIC Tristan Lee 85
10 NSW Steve Muzzatti 82
11 ACT David Gould 70
NSW Harry Kolotas 70
13 VIC Gary Bekker 67
NSW Geoff Kerr 67
15 VIC Ian van der Werff 61
16 VIC David Currell 59
17 VIC Frank Meerbach 58
18 ACT Reg Philp 53
19 ACT Doug Stewart 49
VIC Jason Whitby 49
21 ACT Tri Vo 48
22 ACT Chris Goff 42
23 VIC Phil Orme 37
24 VIC Andrew Bushby 36
25 ACT Chris Nairn 30
26 VIC Dugal Ure 25
27 VIC Rodney Noble 20
ACT Nick Wheatstone 20
NSW Choong Yeung 20
30 ACT Andrew Geraghty 17
31 VIC Michael Ruschena 15
ACT Adam Stewart 15
NT/SA Andy Turner 15
10 points:
Tim Anderson, Chris Allen, Andrew Cheevers, Gary Donovan, Russell
Dovey, Jorge Garcia, Matt Hastings, David Murnane, Marcus Schtenko,
Roger Swift, Craig Thomson, Min Vui Voon, Ian Whitchurch
5 points:
Neil Ashworth, Shane Beck, David Blom, Kim Crispin, Roger de Graff,
Tom Drake-Brockman, Peter Drew, Bernard Duggan, Peter Eckersley,
Andrew Harding, Arianwen Harris, Luke Hoban, James Kwan, Clive
Lane, Trevor O'Shannessy, Kerry Slavin, Graham Staplehurst, Simon
Summersfield, Stuart Wilson
Notes: 65 players attended tournaments in 1996.
1997 Bismarck Cup - Proposed Rules
I surveyed most of the people at the Don Challenge and no one objected,
and I have not received any comments or disagreements. I will take
the new rules as read and use them to score Tournaments for 1997.
I would support the idea of giving the Australian Championships
a TWO board bonus instead of the current one. This would give
the Tournament added prestige and importance and put it above
the State Tournaments. All too recently Melbourne and Sydney have
out scored the Australian Titles, and this would correct that.
Bill Brown, Bismarck Cup Custodian
1997 Bismarck Cup - Current Standings
The following list has been summarised from information supplied by
Bill Brown. One tournament has been played in 1997 to date:
Placing State Total
1 NSW Harry Kolotas 70
2 ACT Tri Vo 53
3 ACT David Gould 46
4 VIC Bill Brown 41
5 VIC Ian van der Werff 36
6 NSW Craig Sedgwick 31
7 NSW Geoff Kerr 27
8 ACT Andrew Goff 18
VIC Tristan Lee 18
VIC Jason Whitby 18
11 VIC Garry Bekker 15
ACT Luc Gentet 15
NSW Stephen Muzzatti 15
NSW Alwyn Patterson 15
15 ACT Carl Chang 12
NSW Steve Goldie 12
ACT Arianwen Harris 12
8 points:
Bob Blanchett, Chris Goff, Paul Goldie, Gareth Schofield
5 points:
Troy Anderton, David Astley, Ian McAlpine, Richard Nolan, Frank
Notes: 26 players have attended Tournaments in 1997 and played
9 games.
Master Points
Updated: 31-1-97
Custodian: Bill Brown The following Master Points list includes
only those players who have been active since January 1995. For those
players, it includes the results of all tournaments played in since
1988 except Maroubra 1995 and Canberra 1996. Players who competed
in those tournaments will have an incomplete score.
Champion Rank
- 325 points to enter Master rank.
- 17 Centres = 9 points
- 16 Centres = 5 point
Player Points
Harry Kolotas 145
Rob Stephenson 138
Tristan Lee (Michael Chau) 108
Craig Sedgwick 94
Master Points Contents
Veteran Rank
- 250 points to enter Champion rank.
- 14 - 17 centres = one point per centre
- 10 - 13 centres = (centres - 1) points
Player Points
Bill Brown 229
Frank Meerbach 212
Rohan Keane 186
Ken Sproat 152
Neil Ashworth 142
Richard Orme 120
Clive Lane 113
Mark Pollinger 97
Master Points Contents
Senior Rank
- 175 points to enter Veteran rank.
- 10-17 centres = one point per centre
- 9 centres = 7 points
- 8 centres = 4 points
Player Points
Eric Roche 174
David Gould 170
Andrew Goff 164
Andrew Harding 152
Andrew Cheevers 143
Phil Orme 121
Andrew Bushby 119
Dugal Ure 118
Reg Philp 96
Gareth Collins 94
Ian van der Werff 82
Andrew Geraghty 81
Dave Robertson 70
Geoff Kerr 66
Shane Beck 50
Master Points Contents
Intermediate Rank
- 100 points to enter Senior Rank.
- 5 - 17 centres = one point per centre
Player Points
David Brown 88
Garry Bekker 81
Doug Stewart 76
Tom Drake-Brockman 73
Stephen Muzzatti 64
Jorge Garcia 62
Luke Hoban 59
Alan Howard 54
Chris Goff 43
David Currell 42
Derek Myers 40
Tri Vo 39
Andrew Hoy 37
Ian Whitchurch 36
Michael Adams 35
Carl Chang 32
Michael Ruschena 32
Jason Whitby 29
Geoff Baker 27
Andy Turner 27
Ross Lay 26
Matt Exon 25
Steven James 24
Matt Hastings 20
Gary Donovan 17
Bob Blanchett 14
Roger Brown 12
Tim Anderson 11
Colin Jacobs 10
John Hyland 8
Martin Cheevers 7
Arianwen Harris 0
Lorin O'Brien 0
Adam Stewart 0
Master Points Contents
Novice Rank
- 50 points to enter Intermediate rank.
- 10 points for survival
- 1-17 centres = one point per centre
- if eliminated = one point for every year of survival (max
Player Points
Paul Holt 48
Guy Mischelewski 48
Choong Yeung 47
Bob Howard 47
Robert Brown 45
Andrew Godley 43
David Inglis 43
Min Vui Voon 43
Andrew Edgar 42
David Astley 40
Chris Nairn 39
Kerry Slavin 39
Steve Goldie 38
Matthew Custer 37
Chris Skene 36
Nick Wheatstone 35
Marcus Holt 33
Ken Holt 32
Rodney Noble 29
Craig Thomson 29
David Cordova 27
Brett Poppins 27
Russell Dovey 25
Gavin Goh 24
Anthony Gray 24
Michael North 23
Marcus Ogden 23
Marcus Schtenko 23
Jon Bentley 22
Bernard Duggan 22
Brendan Kelly 22
Graham Staplehurst 22
Paul Goldie 21
Chris Allen 20
Gintarius Radzivanas 20
Richard Steele 19
Stuart Wilson 19
Brad Martin 16
James Kwan 15
Roger Swift 15
Stephen Fletcher 14
David Murnane 14
Darnon Fowler 13
Adam Russell 12
David Blom 11
Michael Cook 11
Tim Crispin 11
Tony Duncan 11
Sean Geoghegan 11
Paul Harrison 11
Simon Summerfield 11
Todd Young 11
Robert de Graff 10
Peter Eckersley 8
Troy Anderton 7
Peter Drew 7
Gareth Schofield 7
David Kid 6
Adam Law 6
Ian McAlpine 6
Jason Richards 6
Frank Tarcasio 6
Carl Young 6
Richard Irwin 5
Mark Carne 4
Andrew Battisson 3
Trevor O'Shanessay 3
Master Points Contents
DAA National Tournament Rules
Note: A full set of mandatory national rules was published in Issue
#3 of the DAA Rag. However, since then, the mandatory rules have been
removed and replaced with a set of recommended rules (which tournament
organisers may use if they wish).
Therefore, this article has not been reproduced here on the DAA
Ian van der Werff
DAA Database
I am starting to receive an increasing number of requests from various
people and organisations for a copy of the DAA mailing list database.
I propose to start making this listing available as of mid-March.
The listing will include the names of all people who have been
a member of the DAA since 1996 or who have played in tournaments
from 1997.
If you do not wish your name and address to be made available
to those people who request it, please let me know before 14 March
1997. Your details will be retained on the database for DAA purposes,
but will not be released to anyone else.
As an example, the organisers of the Lasseters NT tournament
in Jan 1998 have already requested this listing, and will receive
it towards the end of March. The organisers of other tournaments
might also request the listing.
Therefore, you might expect to receive mail-outs regarding up-coming
tournaments. But once given out, there will be no control over
where the listing might appear.
The "DAA Rag"
Please contact me if you have any additional information that is appropriate
for inclusion in this newsletter, especially articles for the Forum
and information on other Diplomacy clubs. The deadline for issue #4
is the end of April 1997.
Editor: Ian van der Werff (DAA Secretary)
GPO Box 170B
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone/Fax: (03) 9663 8572
Mobile: (0419) 329 766
email: ivdw@acslink.net.au