DAA Rag #4
Newsletter of the Diplomacy Association of Australia
Issue #4
May 1997
The views expressed in Forum articles are not necessarily those held
by the DAA. It will be used to float various ideas on changes to various
aspects of the hobby, to see what the reaction is from members of
the DAA.
Some of the articles herein are reprints or summaries of discussions
occurring on the mail server set up by Bob Blanchett (see later
Too Many Tournaments
The whole issue of the DAA liability insurance and DAA incorporation
has once again led me to think about the number of diplomacy tournaments
currently being held in Australia. It is my opinion (and has been
for several years) that there are far too many diplomacy tournaments
held in Australia each year. We need to get back to the basics, and
consider the overall good of the hobby, not just local pride and prejudice.
If the diplomacy hobby is to have a future, I believe this issue requires
urgent consideration.
I believe that we have ended up with quantity (many of tournaments
each with a low turnout) instead of quality (fewer tournaments
each with a good turnout). The simple fact is that back in what
we might call the "good old days" (late 1980s to early 1990s)
when we routinely got five to seven boards at tournaments (35
to 50 players). During that period we only had four diplomacy
tournaments: The Australian Champs in Canberra over the Australia
Day weekend, the Victorian Champs in Melbourne at Easter, the
NSW Champs in Sydney over the Queen's Birthday weekend, and the
South Australian Champs in October. These events achieved good
turnouts, were a lot of fun, and were not a financial strain on
the organisers. They were widely dispersed both geographically
and throughout the year. Organisers back then would have laughed
at the thought of a three board tournament, which is now the normal
Unfortunately, I think that these successful tournaments went
to the head of the hobby, and by the mid-1990s it seems every
man and his dog were rushing around, organising tournaments all
over the place, whenever and wherever it suited them and their
local interests. The great tournament circuit, or perhaps circus
is a better description, was up and running. With up to ten tournaments
being held during the year at the peak, attendance at each tournament
was bound to drop off -- we all (well, except Craig Sedgwick perhaps)
only have so many tournaments in us each year and it is easier
to attend the local tournaments.
Now, there were other factors in the decline of tournaments,
not least the collapse of the postal diplomacy hobby. However,
I also feel that this plethora of tournaments may have contributed
to that as well. Instead perhaps of launching a zine, aspiring
Diplomatic organisers became caught up in the frenzy of tournament
organisation. And the widespread availability of tournaments probably
led to a drop-off in interest in postal diplomacy too -- resulting
in the fracturing and decline of the diplomacy hobby overall.
So, it is my feeling that the hobby needs to go on a "diet"
and return To the tried and true formula of yesteryear. We should
limit our tournaments to a maximum of just four each year, as
widely dispersed geographically and time wise as possible. Tournaments
should be special and something to look forward too, not a dime
a dozen as they have been for the past few years. Anything beyond
this should be strongly discouraged in the overall interests of
the hobby. Of course, people can still have house cons, like Ken
is organising for the Labour Day weekend, or club functions, such
as the regular or irregular VDC meetings.
I would argue that the Aust Champs (Australia Day), Vic Champs
(Easter) and NSW Champs (Queen's Birthday) are clear candidates
for three of the four tournaments. That leaves room for one more
tournament latter in the year, in October/November -- where such
a tournament should be is something that requires discussion.
There seem to me to be two possible candidates based on recent
history: Canberra and Jan Juc. If both tournaments still wish
to run, perhaps they could be run on alternate years?
Finally, back in the mid-1980s the hobby was perhaps in a somewhat
similar state to its current situation, with just a few zines,
and a fairly small number of players. If we look at how the hobby
was built up back then, we can learn lessons which should show
us how to re-invigorate the hobby a decade later. The overall
good of the hobby will be best served by concentrating on just
a few events and devoting our energies to those.
I'd be very happy to hear comments on this matter, both by email,
phone and regular mail as well.
John Cain
email: j.cain@unimelb.edu.au
phone: 03-98985783 (home)
postal: PO Box 4317, Melbourne University, 3052.
Colonial Diplomacy
Once again I raise this issue (see RAG #1). Is there any reason that
the results of Colonial tournaments cannot be included in the Bismark
Cup, as long as the tournaments satisfy all requirements?
I raise this because one of the purposes of the DAA (I have now
read the constitution!) is to encourage variants of the game.
I do not believe it will cost us anything, and it will bring more
people into the one group.
I believe we should approach people who play and organise tournaments
and make a suggestion along these lines.
Ian van der Werff
I won't be a supporter of tainting the Bismark Cup (for Australia's
Premier DIPLOMACY player) by including a variant. If anyone wants
to promote Colonial Dip then let them run a tournament (which
the DAA can support) and provide an award for Australia's Premier
VARIANT player (which I would happily compile). Variants such
as Machiavelli, WWII etc could also be included.
I just don't know why people want to associate a variant such
as Colonial with DIPLOMACY tournaments and with a DIPLOMACY award
in the first place??? Would Wimbledon include Royal Tennis as
part of their tournament to increase numbers? Is lightning chess
part of normal chess tournaments?
Bill Brown
Let me second Bill's comments. The Bismark Cup was purchased
as a perpetual trophy for the best DIPLOMACY player, not the best
diplomacy and variants player. It was paid for by a group of eight
(I think) hobby members, including myself and maybe Bill and/or
Ken -- I cannot remember anymore - the donors names are on the
Cup. Our intention was quite clearly that the Cup was to be awarded
to the best Diplomacy player. I was and am a great supporter of
diplomacy variants, but I never considered including them in the
John Cain
World Dip Con
I received this question from Don Del Grande. I know we discussed
this in Melbourne. Have we received anything about when we might
be hosting it again, as was suggested? I told Don that 2002 might
be an appropriate year to hold the next World Dip Con out here.
Stephen Muzzatti
Lets get the hobby running properly before we have a go at this.
We are a long way off doing it.
Ken Sproat
It was not really the DAA that hosted World DipCon II, it was
just a group of individuals. Andrew England and myself were mainly
responsible for bring WDC2 to Australia, with the support of many
other members of the hobby, and I think Luke Clutterbuck was heavily
involved in the organisation of the con itself. We may have used
the DAA as a "flag of convenience" but in fact it really had nothing
to do with it.
2002 sounds far enough away to me -- we would need to do a lot
of work rebuilding the Australian hobby beforehand to ensure a
reasonable turnout.
John Cain
Although I'm only new to Dip, I reckon a World Dip Con is a
great idea... I mean, it's a great way to get more local interest...
2002 gives us plenty of time to get it organised too.
Micha Wotton
2-round Tournaments
Currently, only tournaments that have at least 3 rounds are eligible
for inclusion in the Bismark Cup. Recent discussion on the OZDIP
mail server (see later article) seems to indicate that there may
be a requirement to reduce this to 2 rounds (although tournaments
would still have to be approved by the DAA committee to count towards
the Bismark Cup). Bill Brown, the points custodian, is considering
reducing this requirement to 2 rounds from 1998.
Ian van der Werff
DAA Tournament Rules
Who was the fascist who wrote the DAA National Tournament Rules? It's
always been my opinion that Diplomacy should be a loose flexible
game. Whatever the seven players on the board agree upon should
stand, including but not limited to, conceded centres, accepting
a misorder from anyone or whatever. Granted, we need some sort of
Tournament Rules and the Masters Points Ranking system is a nice
idea, but does the DAA need to be so overly bureaucratic??
Shane Beck
A few comments. Firstly, most of what Shane calls for is already
the case. Most GMs will not interfere in the internal running
of each game unless the players cannot agree, and GM involvement
is required. However, conceded centres are able to affect the
result of the entire tournament, and therefore I believe should
not be allowed. Players are certainly allowed to play through
to an agreed result, but in fairness to all players in the tournament,
the game should not be allowed to finish ahead of time because
of an agreement that has not been played through to in the proper
manner. This is especially important in tournaments where a Time
Draw might occur.
But relevant though my last comment is, a number of other people
have commented upon the bureaucratic nature of the tournament
rules. It has therefore been decided that the tournament rules
produced by the DAA are now recommended for tournaments, but that
the GM can amend the rules as seen fit. However, the rules that
the GM wishes to use must be displayed at the tournament venue
(as is the case with the scoring system).
Ian van der Werff
Bismark Cup
A reasonably interesting thread is being discussed on OZDIP (see
later article) at the moment, some of which is repeated here for
those players who have not yet joined the mail server. Published
here are John's original comments, Tristan's view on those, and
then John's response.
- All I can say is that the Bismark Cup was not originally established
as being part of, or related to, the DAA. The Cup itself was
donated by 10 individuals (including myself) whose intention
was to establish some recognition for the best tournament Diplomacy
player in Australia throughout the year. For this reason I have
viewed the question of tournament affiliation with the DAA as
being a separate matter (though perhaps related) to the eligibility
of a tournament for inclusion in the Bismark Cup points for
the year.
John Cain
- John is one of the first people I met upon arriving on the
Dip scene. On megadip issues I have found myself almost always
in agreement with John on all matters (no doubt it must be
a surprise even to the opinionated John himself). But with
respect John (I mean that), I cannot agree with you on this
It is not so much that the Bismark Cup should come under
the DAA umbrella. Rather, it should be seen that the Bismark
Cup has now gained the respect and faith of players Australia-wide
(including those who heard of it last week) such that
it has become the standard gauge of a tournament player's
True, it was originally a conception of a core group
of keen people. But alongside the Masterpoints system
(longterm), it has become the most important rating (short
term/annual) which everyone follows. No one cares about
the Geraghty Cup or the Acme Rating! Only their Bismark
points. Sane adults spend $$hundreds on travelling and
accommodation to win the damn thing. Surely that is the
ultimate accolade for those who conceived it. And the
Cup screams out with JOHN CAIN's name on it - are you
not a proud parent?
If we are to promote (and to accept) the DAA as the
well-organised, professional central body for the Dip
hobby in Australia, then an important rating such as the
Bismark must come within DAA jurisdiction.
Tristan Lee
- Given that the Bismark Cup is supposed to acknowledge the
best tournament player throughout the year, the hobby may wish
to impose more stringent rules on inclusion of tournaments in
it than we might for DAA affiliation. I think the DAA should
be an "inclusive church", striving to bring as many tournaments
as possible under its umbrella (within reason). But the Bismark
Cup points might for example exclude tournaments where time
draws are called very early (I do not believe 1905 is sufficient
and would argue for a minium of at least 1908).
John Cain
- I'm not convinced by that argument. I think if a "tournament"
is fair dinkum enough to be affiliated with the DAA, then
it is good enough to be included for Bismark points. And
vice-versa. I ask you to give examples where this may not
be the case. I think the issue that you are alluding to
is: whether an event is fair dinkum enough to be considered
as a "tournament" or just a backyard games weekend. (i.e.
2 or 3 or 4 days? 2-round minimum or 3-round? 2-board minimum
or 3-board?) Those are a different issue.
Tristan Lee
- Very well, some examples. I would argue that the DAA
should affiliate a purely Colonial Diplomacy tournament
if someone decided to organise one. I do not believe
that the results of such a tournament should be included
in the Bismark Cup. Likewise, what of a mixed tournament,
where players could choose whether to play Diplomacy,
Colonial or Machiavelli (the last two both being Diplomacy
variants) each round? Or perhaps a tournament where
only Diplomacy is played, but six player games are allowed?
What about an "invitational" tournament, where entry
is only available to invited players, not the "open"
format currently in vogue? Quite apart from the early
time draw issue, I do not accept the notion that DAA
Affiliation equals Bismark Cup eligibility and vice
versa. The normal goal of the DAA should be to affiliate
all tournaments (within reason) but this should NOT
equate to automatic Bismark Cup eligibility.
John Cain
- Should all hobby matters go through and be run by the DAA?
Or should we instead use a Custodianship model -- with certain
parts of the hobby being the responsibility of one person (or
a small committee) who takes responsibility for getting them
John Cain
- Not all matters should go thru DAA John, but an important
one such as the Bismark Cup should.
A custodianship model may work very well from time to
time (as in the past and at present), but it is open to
challenge. For instance, what if a significant hobby figure
said to Bill (current Bismark custodian): "Who appointed
you? Hand over so I can do it better!" But if Bill is
the DAA Ratings Custodian (either voted in or appointed
by the President), then the authority is formal.
In practical terms, it makes no difference to current
practice. But it is safer from the "hijacking" that you
are worried about. (The reverse is worse. What if Bill
turns to the Dark Side of the Force and, as Custodian,
does things that you would never dream about? How will
you stop him from changing the system as he feels like?)
Tristan Lee
- Ratings and other such functions are as good and as
respected as the effort put into them by the person running
them. If a hopeless or biased job is done, people will
downgrade their opinion of them. Let us say for example
that Harry Kolotas started a new CTPRS (Current Tournament
Player Rating System) designed to measure current tournament
performance over the past three years, rather than lifetime
performance since 1988 as the Master Points do. People
would take as much or as little notice of CTPRS as they
felt like (I think they would take quite a bit of notice).
Harry Kolotas would be the custodian because he thought
the idea up and does the work required to maintain these
ratings. If he hands them over to someone else then they
become custodian. If someone sets up a competing system,
good for them. Would you argue that if CTPRS became a
success the DAA should take it over?
Rolling everything into the DAA just adds a layer
of bureaucratic nonsense to it all - why bother? Work,
responsibility and power are better spread around,
not centralised where some power mad maniac can wreak
havoc, or (more likely) some apathetic future DAA
Officers can allow it all to slide into nothing.
John Cain
- What if the DAA returns to its normal state of apathy and
inactivity? Or what if a "hobby faction" takes control of it
and runs off in its own direction against the wishes of the
majority of the hobby.
John Cain
- That's an unfair comment on the DAA. There were times of
apathy & inactivity, but at any point of time it was by
definition run by people who cared the most (even if they
cared very little) and were chosen by the members to do
it. Anyone else could have replaced the ineffective officers,
but no one wanted to at the time.
Tristan Lee
- Actually, "apathy and inactivity" is a fair and accurate
assessment of the DAA through most of its history in my
opinion. The DAA was not normally run by the people who
cared the most about the hobby - most of them believed
there were better ways to serve the hobby - by publishing
zines, running tournaments, looking after the Bismark
Cup points, and so forth. Do not forget that the DAA was
established simply as a figurehead.
I fail to see any good reason for institutionalising
the Bismark Cup (and even more so the Master Points)
as part of the DAA. The DAA and its officers should
stick to the core mission of the DAA: publicising
and promoting the hobby. It should not become involved
in, and distracted by, administration of a wide variety
of hobby functions. The DAA has had two periods of
some success, under Ken Sproat and under Ian van der
Werff. They were successful because in practice they
stuck to this core mission, rather than sticking their
DAA fingers into every hobby pie in range.
John Cain
- DAA leadership cannot possibly impose things. If they act
against wishes of majority of hobby, the members can simply
FIRE them and reverse their decisions. It is that simple.
John, no one will run away with the Bismark Cup!! No one
will need to, because any 10 people can buy a silver cup
and devise a rating system. But it will not gain the same
respect as the Bismark Cup, especially if it is an official
DAA rating.
Hence I argue that the Bismark Cup (and the Masterpoints)
should be officially administered by a DAA committee comprising:
- the DAA President
- the Ratings Custodian
- a third person appointed by the DAA.
and in practice administered by the Custodian.
Tristan Lee
A Seven Round Diplomacy Tournament?
Before I start, let me point out that the following is NOT planned
for the Victorian Diplomacy Championships next year (Easter 1998),
which will follow the normal format (3 rounds over 3 days).
Over Easter at the 1997 Victorian Diplomacy Championships, there
was some discussion of the possibility of holding a seven round
Diplomacy tournament. This would allow all players at the tournament
to play each of the 7 nations once. The only real prospect for
holding such a tournament would be over Easter (at some future
VicDipChamps) as this is the only time of the year when there
is a realistic possibility of playing for four days in a row.
The format of such a tournament would involve two games per
day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with one game on the Monday.
Time draws would of course be necessary, probably at around 1910
as a guide. With play starting at 9:00 am each day, a 30 minute
lunch break would see a time draw at about 3:00 pm. The second
round for the day would commence at 4:00 pm, with a 30 minute
tea break seeing a time draw at about 9:30 pm.
Such a format would be somewhat tiring, with a maximum playing
time of 10 hours each day for the first 3 days. However most tournament
games end in an agreed draw at some stage around 1907 by my estimate,
so actual playing time would probably average 7 hours per day.
Obviously, this could not be something that occurred every year,
but it might be feasible as a one-off event.
My reason for raising this is to gauge the reaction of potential
players to such a tournament. Would you consider playing? Would
it make you more likely to attend the tournament? Less likely
to attend the tournament? Have no affect on your attendance? Any
comments on the format? Or the desirability of such a tournament
in the first place? Any other comments?
Feedback on this issue is most welcome, and can be sent to this
zine, or to:
John Cain
email: j.cain@unimelb.edu.au
postal: PO Box 4317, Melbourne University, 3052.
Sure I'd play. From the time Ken Sproat first proposed it I
have been in favour of the idea:
- It's a unique experience (never been done in Australia)
- Will attract more players than the normal Easter Convention
- Hopefully, by the time it will be held (the year 2000?), the
hobby will be bigger and we can have the optimum number of players
i.e. 49! It is possible to run with less, but wouldn't be worthwhile
- It will be hard yakka, but as a one-off experience, everyone
should try it
- Will confirm (if we don't it know already) that Victoria is
the centre of all things important in the hobby in Australia.
Bill Brown
An excellent list of advantages. I also like the idea of staging
it in the year 2000 -- that gives us plenty of time to plan, build
up the hobby, and gives people (especially interstate people)
plenty of notice so that they can plan to attend this one-off
extravaganza. If we are going to do this, we should do it properly.
What I would hope is that we can discuss the possibilities of
such a tournament during this year, not only on OZDIP-L but also
in the zines, such as the DAA Rag. Then a decision on whether
and when it should be staged can be made at the 1998 Victorian
Diplomacy Championships next Easter. If it is decided to hold
the extravaganza in 2000, that would give us 2 years to publicise
the event and building up people's expectations.
John Cain
The idea of a 7-round tournament sounds great to me. Consider
me in if it gets a favourable reaction from enough players (would
14 be enough?).
As for Easter being the only available time, why couldn't the
tournament be split over two weekends? Obviously this eliminates
travellers from interstate who have work commitments, but if any
one city has enough interested players it could work over two
Jason Whitby
Well, as Bill has pointed out, ideally you would need at least
49 players, which would mean you would not play any other player
twice (as well as getting to play all seven countries).
Such a tournament would be a major effort, and I certainly think
it should be available to interstate players -- so it would really
have to be Easter. It would be great if we could get some players
from WA, Queensland and even overseas (especially New Zealand)
too. With plenty of notice this should be possible.
John Cain
Tournament Numbers
Everyone should get behind the long term plan of increasing player
numbers by getting Tournaments back to conventions and supporting
the plan by turning up. In two or three years (possibly) the player
base may be big enough for 7-10 boards.
Bill Brown
Forthcoming Tournaments
The following list of tournaments have been approved by the DAA. The
results of most tournaments will count for inclusion in the Bismark
Cup and Master Points. Details of the later tournaments will be updated
in subsequent issues of this newsletter.
1997 NSW Diplomacy Championship
Location: with SAGA '97
Canterbury Girls High School
Church Road
Date: 7-9 June, 1997
Liaison: Craig Sedgwick
02 9661 3926, 015 894 670
Harry Kolotas
02 9975 1538
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: $30
1997 QUGS Diplomacy Championship
Location: University of Queensland
Union complex
Date: 26-27 July, 1997
Liaison: Gary Johnson
12 Montrose Road
Taringa QLD 4068
07 3371 4325
GM: Gary Johnson
Format: 4 rounds over 2 days
Cost: $15
Special Rules:
- Games of fixed duration (Fall 1906)
- Entries close 11 July - only preregistrations accepted, no
registrations on the day!
- Prizes for first 3 places
1997 ACT Diplomacy Championship
Location: Slovenian-Australian Assoc.
Date: 4-6 October, 1997
Liaison: Doug Stewart
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 2 days
Colonial on day 3
Scoring System: tba
Cost: $5 for Colonial only
$10 for a single round
$20 for the full tournament
This tournament may not be eligible for Masters Points or Bismark
Cup. The organisers of this tournament have not yet advised the DAA
whether they will be paying the tournament affiliation fee (a requirement
for results to be incorporated in both the Masters Points and the
Bismark Cup).
1997 Don Challenge Cup
Location: Melbourne Chess Club?
Date: Nov/Dec
Liaison: Tristan Lee
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 2 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
1998 NT Diplomacy Championship
Location: Alice Springs
Date: mid-January (during the week)
Liaison: Andy Turner
GM: John Cain
Format: 3 rounds over 4 days (rest day)
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
1998 Australian Diplomacy Championship
Location: CanCon '98
Date: 24-26 January 1998
Liaison: Ken Sproat
GM: tba
Format: 3 rounds over 3 days
Scoring System: tba
Cost: tba
World Dip Con VIII
Location: Chapel Hill
North Carolina, USA
Date: 22-24 May 1998
NSW Accommodation
For those who are interested, Craig Sedgwick has provided a list of
places to stay 10 mins drive from the NSW tourney on 7-9 June. All
are in Ashfield:
- Palm Court Motel, 17 Parramatta Rd, $105 twin, 3 1/2 star, (02)
- Marco Polo Motor Inn, 42 Parramatta Rd, $80 twin, 3 star,
(02) 9798-4311
- Metro Motor Inn, 63 Liverpool Rd (Hume Hwy), $76 twin, 2 1/2
star, (02) 9798-0333
- Westside Inn - 85 Liverpool Rd (Hume Hwy), $65 twin, 2 star,
(02) 9797-7711
There is also Backpacker style at Orana Lodge, 407 Marrickville
Rd, Dulwich Hill, for $20 night. Buses can be caught from across
the road to the venue. Ph (02) 9550-0054
Craig & Harry have also offered to run a shuttle service to
the tournament if it is required, but they will need to know in
Australian Clubs
At the time of writing, I knew of 5 Diplomacy Clubs in Australia where
face-to-face games are played on a regular basis. Please provide me
with the appropriate details of any other clubs (or regular meetings)
within Australia.
MIDDSOC is a club located in Hurstville, which is in Sydney's south.
About three or four times a week, (Friday night, Saturday, and sometimes
Tuesday and Thursday), the club gets together for games like Dungeons
and Dragons, Warhammer, and Diplomacy. Short term, I intend to get
FTF Diplomacy games happening on some Sundays. Long term, I'm planning
a tournament there.
For those Sydneysiders who want to check out the club, rock up
at any time on any Friday evening to Rear 53 Tavistock Ave, Hurstville.
There's always about three or four one-turn-per-week games of
Diplomacy there, with new ones starting every month or two.
The Diplomacy Club of Canberra (DCOC).
Meets 1st Friday of every month at the Slovenian Australian Association.
Starting time is 7pm.
The Perth Diplomacy Club.
Meets 3rd Sunday of every month at the loft (above the tavern) at
the University of Western Australia. Nominal starting time 11am.
Queensland University Games Society.
Meets 1st Saturday (except May, 2nd Sat) of every month in the Small
Clubs & Societies Common Room in the Student Union Complex. Meetings
run from 9am - 5pm. Various board games are played (Diplomacy not
necessarily running).
Also "traditional" boardgames (Chess, Draughts, Scrabble, etc)
every Friday night (7-10pm) in the Philosophy Common Room in the
Forgan Smith Building.
Victorian Diplomacy Club (VDC).
Meets 3rd Saturday of every month at the Student Union Building, Melbourne
University (2nd floor). Starting time 12pm. A number of different
board games are played at this meeting.
DAA Tournament Results
1997 Victorian Championship
This 3 round, 3 board, tournament was played over Easter weekend in
Melbourne. The results are summarised below:
1st place: Jason Whitby 58
2nd place: Rohan Keane 40
3rd place: Bill Brown 40
4th place: Rob Stephenson 33
5th place: Gary Bekker 32
6th place: Ken Sproat 31
7th place: Richard Orme 31
Best Countries:
Austria: Craig Sedgwick 16
Italy: Bill Brown 14
France: David Currell 14
England: Rohan Keane 14
Germany: Rohan Keane 10
Russia: Stephen Muzzatti 13
Turkey: Jason Whitby 18
Best Novice: David Blom
Best Newcomer: Daniel Jacobs
Letter from the DCOC Secretary
Canberra Capers (ACT Tournament)
The tournament will be held October 4-5,6. A three rounds over 2 days
event for standard diplomacy (4th & 5th) and Colonial on the 6th.
Payment schedule is as follows: A single round (standard Diplomacy)
is $10, Full tournament is $20, with these payments including entry
to Colonial Diplomacy. Colonial only fee is $5.
The tournament organiser will be Doug Stewart. The Venue will
be the Slovenian-Australian Association, 19 Irving Street, Philip.
In an Email you acknowledged that non-DAA members could organise
tournaments. However there is currently no way for non-members
to keep up to date (eg. Doug has received no DAA newsletters)
with rule changes and therefore it is unclear how they may be
eligible to run a DAA sanctioned event.
On the subject of monies allegedly owed to the DAA, firstly
in regard to the Nationals in 1996 run by Andrew Goff, there was
NIL profit from this (for DCOC). However Andrew Goff assured both
of us that all liabilities including DAA fees would be covered.
Secondly in relation to October 1996, DCOC calculated it owed
$3 per full time player, a total of $48 for the 16 full time players
attending. The club withheld $18 because no advertising by the
DAA was forthcoming. Promotion of the hobby is the first stated
aim of the DAA in its Articles, and this must include advertising
outside the converted. Consequently DCOC is forwarding $30 in
full payment of its October 1996 fees.
In addition we wish to point out that in 1996 we paid $60 to
Gareth Collins to offset his losses for the Maroubra Classic.
As it was the then DAA President's stated intention that the DAA
should run tournaments nationally, receiving income and paying
liabilities, Gareth's $180 loss is a DAA liability. To date we
unaware of any further funds being forwarded from the DAA or any
of the other member clubs. Also in March 1994, DCOC donated $50
to help establish the DAA, for which we have a signed letter acknowledging
receipt (refer K. Sproat). Suffice to say this clearly demonstrates
DCOC's generous support of the DAA.
If the current intention of the DAA remains to not include advertising
of the hobby and upcoming tournaments, then DCOC is adamant that
no DAA fees shall be due. Advertising is a necessity - the DAA
rag is a luxury.
Personal opinion
The intentions of the DAA were threefold: (a) to promote the hobby,
(b) to provide liability protection for the organisers and (c)
to organise the hobby on a National basis to remove tournament
clashes and ensure consistency of rules.
The DAA has finally achieved liability protection, but now proposes
to ditch it. The other two items have not been achieved, nor largely
Failing any attempt to actively achieve the stated aims of the
DAA, Andrew and I propose the immediate disbandment of the DAA.
We propose that an informal collective of interested parties,
including organisers, run the hobby instead.
Doug Stewart & Andrew Geraghty
NOTE: This article may be reproduced, but must not be edited in
any manner.
While the provision of liability insurance may have been
one of the driving forces behind the creation of the DAA, it is
not one of the purposes (as identified in the constitution) of
the DAA.
Report from AGM
The AGM was held at the recent Easter tournament. There were 19 members
There were two notified remits to be voted on:
- That the DAA not renew its public liability tournament insurance
covering tournament organisers, given that there are currently
only 2 tournaments that require this coverage (ACT and Don Challenge)
- Given that the first remit is successful, that the $1/player/game
Tournament Affiliation Fee still be charged in order to fund
any possible promotional activities that the DAA may want to
engage in.
The election of officers resulted in the unopposed election of the
following officers:
President: Stephen Muzzatti
Secretary: Ian van der Werff
Returning Officer: Andrew Goff
Two other issues were raised from the floor, and discussed and
voted on:
DAA strongly recommends that organisers publish financial statements
for tournament (as a guide for future tournament organisers)
That the DAA promote the Diplomacy tournament at Dwarfcon (on
the same weekend as the NSW tournament)
Financial Statements (1995)
Tournaments 348.00
Subscriptions 95.00
Donations 180.00
Total Income 623.00
Filing Fee 32.00
Mailing Costs 144.45
Insurance 346.50
Total Expenses 522.95
Excess Income over Expenditure $100.05
Cash on Hand $232.90
At start 132.85
Income over Expenditure 100.05
Total Equity $232.90
Financial Statements (1996)
Tournaments (Note 1) 261.00
Subscriptions (Note 2) 34.00
Total Income 295.00
Mailing Costs 4.50
Stationery 10.85
Newsletter (Note 3) 36.75
Toll Calls (Note 4) 45.75
Insurance 363.85
Total Expenses 461.70
Excess Expenditure over Income $166.70
Cash on Hand $66.20
At start 232.90
Expenditure over Income 166.70
Total Equity $66.20
- Affiliation fee for ACT tournament not received by 31/12/96.
- 17 members at $2.
- Issues #1 and #2. Negligible costs for #1 due to co-operation
of zines.
- To Andrew Goff, for toll calls as President of DAA.
DAA Cash Flow (from 1 Jan 1997)
Note: The details of the DAA cash flow is provided for the benefit
of its members. These details are not to be reproduced in any other
Item $ $
Initial Cash Balance (1/1/97) 66.20
Subscriptions, '97 125.00
Affiliation Fees:
ACT Championships '96 30.00
Australian Championship '97 63.00
Victorian Championships '97 82.00
Total Income 300.00
DAA Rag #3 41.20
Stamps 6.40
Photocopies (for AGM) 3.85
Filing Fee (Inc. Assoc) (x2) 64.00
Total Expenses 115.45
Cash Balance as at 30/4/97 $250.75
Notes to the accounts:
- Andrew Cheevers repaid all money owing.
- All tournaments have paid their affiliation fees.
1997 Vic Champs
Financial Statement
Income $252.00
Trophies 145.00
Trophy tokens 13.50
GM Expenses 23.95
DAA Affiliation Fee 82.00
Publicity 29.75
50% of assistant GMs dinners 12.00
Total Expenses $306.20
Net Result -$54.20
The deficit has been absorbed by the Victorian Diplomacy Slushfund.
John Cain, VDC97 Organiser, 9 April 1997
VDC Slush Fund
Financial Statement
Opening balance (pre-Conquest) $110.00
Conquest 97 loss -$55.00
Closing balance as at 09.04.97 $55.00
John Cain, Slushfund Custodian, 9 April 1997
Australian Diplomacy Mailing List Server
Thanks to the efforts of Bob Blanchett, a mail server now exists for
commentary and discussions on points of interest to the Australian
Diplomacy hobby.
In summary, by signing onto the mail server, you will receive
all mail sent to the server by anyone else who is also signed
on, and similarly you will be able to send mail. The advantage
of a mail server is that you only have to send mail to one address
in order for it to be read (and commented on?) by everyone else
on the list.
To sign on to the mail list, send an email to:
- Majordomo@thingy.apana.org.au
Include the following line in the body of the message:
- subscribe ozdip-l (ie, L, not "one")
You will soon receive a reply. About 6 or 7 lines down you will
see a similar line to this:
- auth 8028032f subscribe ozdip-l
- kenspr@euphoria.bay.net.au
Cut and paste this line to the body of a new message to:
- Majordomo@thingy.apana.org.au.
You will then receive a reply which says:
- >>>> auth 8028032f subscribe ozdip-l
- kenspr@euphoria.bay.net.au
- Succeeded.
- >>>>
To send you own messages, email your thoughts to:
- ozdip-L@thingy.apana.org.au
Of course, all the above assumes that you have access to the internet!
Happy reading.
Editor (with thanks to Ken Sproat)
DAA Web Page
Thanks to the efforts of Stephen Muzzatti and John Cain, there is
now a web page devoted to the Australian hobby. Check out this exciting
new creation at:
- http://www.triode.net.au/~muz/ozdip.htm
Tell me how it looks, tell me what to write about the DAA, and
what I should do about telling people what Diplomacy is (ie, should
I put in a link to another dip page that tells people what diplomacy
is? Or should I put in a version on this page??) Any other advice
or comments are welcome.
Thanks, Stephen Muzzatti
DAA Membership Cards
Thanks to the efforts of Andy Turner, DAA membership cards have now
been produced. All members should find their card with this issue.
1997 Bismark Cup
The following list has been summarised from information supplied by
Bill Brown. Two tournaments have been played in 1997 to date:
- Australian Diplomacy Championship
- Victorian Diplomacy Championship
Placing State Total
1 VIC Jason Whitby 98
2 VIC Bill Brown 93
3 NSW Harry Kolotas 87
4 VIC Rohan Keane 60
5 VIC Garry Bekker 55
6 ACT Tri Vo 53
7 NSW Craig Sedgwick 51
8 ACT David Gould 46
9 VIC Rob Stephenson 45
10 VIC Ian van der Werff 36
11 VIC Ken Sproat 35
VIC Tristan Lee 35
13 ACT Andrew Goff 32
NSW Stephen Muzzatti 32
15 VIC Richard Orme 30
16 NSW Geoff Kerr 27
17 VIC David Currell 20
VIC Frank Meerbach 20
19 VIC Shane Beck 17
20 ACT Luc Gentet 15
NSW Alwyn Patterson 15
22 VIC David Blom 14
SA/NT Andy Turner 14
24 ACT Troy Anderton 13
12 points:
Carl Chang, Steve Goldie, Arianwen Harris
11 points:
Andrew Bushby, Daniel Jacobs, Phil Orme, Dugal Ure
8 points:
Bob Blanchett, Chris Goff, Leigh Gold, Paul Goldie, Shaun Gunn,
Andrew Harding, Simon Morton, Gareth Schofield, Pedro Silva, Roland
5 points:
David Astley, Robert de Graaf, Paul Drake, Gavan Lim-Joon, Joshua
Martin, Ian McAlpine, Richard Nolan, Frank Tarcasio
- 49 players have attended Tournaments in 1997 and played 21 games
- Australian title was rated a 3+1 board tournament
- Victorian convention was rated a 4+1 board tournament
Master Points
The current Master Points can be viewed elsewhere on this website,
and have therefore not been repeated here.
The "DAA Rag"
Please contact me if you have any additional information that is appropriate
for inclusion in this newsletter, especially articles for the Forum
and information on other Diplomacy clubs. The deadline for issue #5
is the end of July 1997.
Editor: Ian van der Werff (DAA Secretary)
GPO Box 170B
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone/Fax: (03) 9663 8572
Mobile: (0419) 329 766
email: ivdw@acslink.net.au