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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

DAANZ Rag #12


Why we left Cancon

A number of people asked me why the 1999 Australian Diplomacy Championships was not held at Cancon. I actually agree with the points made by Brendan and a number of others regarding the exposure of Diplomacy at Cancon. Below are a number of facts.

For about 3-4 years I pushed for the return of the Australian Diplomacy Championships to Cancon. I had run a number of successful non-convention tournaments at Jan Juc and organised and ran a successful tournament at Conquest in 1993 or 4. Note: Conquest is at Easter in Melbourne and is home of the Victorian Diplomacy Championships. Cancon is run in Canberra at the same time as the Australian Diplomacy Championships.

My dealings with the Conquest people was very good. We cause them very little trouble. We run our tournament and get exposure. They provide the venue and collect the money. They then give us a fair per player fee. They are happy we are happy. I felt that dealing with convention people was easy so with the correct approach we could get a reasonable deal with at Cancon.

Finally in 1997 after dismal attendances at the Australian Diplomacy Championships, Andrew Goff took over the tournament and decided to move it back to Cancon. I GM'd it. The tournament showed a small but obvious increase in attendance. Andrew refuses to answer questions on this matter but i think it cost him a lot of money. My estimate is ~$150. From May 1997 I was in contact with the Cancon people regarding the 1998 ADC. I worked out a deal where they would return to me the cost of the trophies and the DAA affiliation fee. This amounted to $200. Again the attendance increased (to 30).

I haven't made this public before but the 1998 Australian Diplomacy Championships went within a day of being called off. I got home on the Monday with a phone message. "Call me as soon as possible or your tournament will be cancelled". When I contacted them, they said ".. as we only have 4 entries the tournament cannot be run". We quickly arranged another 7-10 entries.

I then found out that on the Thursday they almost called off the tournament again as they didn't have anywhere to put us. They managed to hire a hall for us, the board-gamers and the war-games. And despite my constant negotiations, with regard to using the venue until 11:00 pm on the Saturday night, I was told at 2:00pm on the day that the venue was not available after 6:00pm. I think everybody remembers the hasty move.

So in June 1998 I began to negotiate with the organisers for the ADC 1999. Very quickly I learnt:

  • We have different organisers for Cancon '99. Thats 3 times in 3 years.
  • To play 6 rounds of Diplomacy it will cost each player $45-50.
  • There was a limit to the number people who could play in a tournament.

The limit in 1998 was 40. My feeling is that this may have been reduced in 1999. There was a false rumour that we had been given $500 in 1998. They didn't really care whether we were with them or not. They actually said this to me. Don't worry I was still on good terms with them when I told them that we were going it alone.

Later it was also determined that we would get three trophies and zero dollars.

I was willing to lose a little bit of money (I probably would have asked for donations) but I really didn't believe I could put on a fun weekend. Going with Cancon was a real unknown. I knew that the RSL was a good venue in a good location and in September they didn't have a venue. I really didn't have any choice.

As far as exposure goes. Yes, returning to the Sysdney and Canberra Conventions brought in a few extra players but the internet has brought in many more. The percentage of players who have played a second and third tournament is far greater for those that have turned up due to Internet publicity compared to convention publicity. In fact the repeat rate (ability to keep players) for conventions is very close to zero.

I realise that this will cause a deluge of email suggesting Novice games and cheaper entry for new players. The truth is - you don't get that many absolute novices at a tournament and I can't think of one player who has stayed with the hobby due to a novice board game. A number of players have said "I won't turn up unless you have a novice board" and haven't.

What sort of a discount can you give to a player - $5-10 at the most. This discount is usually a very small percentage of the cost of them actually playing at a tournament. It also can leave the tournament organiser in the red. I've run Tournaments with entry fees ranging $10-$40. I can't think of an instance where this has affected attendance.

But why was I so worried about the high cost of playing at Cancon? Because we got absolutely nothing for it. The benefits of the RSL are that when you are not playing Dip you can hang around and do many other things. It really gives a community feel to the tournament. The best way to keep players in the hobby is to make them feel they belong. Its why Goffy invited everybody back to his place on the Saturday and to his 21st on the Monday night. As well we have an email list and a newsletter.

I hope that clears it up again.

(Ken Sproat 6 February 1999)

A Round-less Tournament

Just after the tournament Nick mentioned something about playing a continuous tournament. Once you had finished you just started a new game. Nobody picked up on it. However I don't think that it is such a silly idea. It would allow all games to have 7 players. The way it would work. The last players to register are left out of the original draw. As players are eliminated or games finish they have the option of being placed in the next game to start.

Issues: You need a scoring system which will penalise eliminations and promote higher scores so that people don't just call a draw on 8 because they know that it is easier to get 5 in a new game than 10 in their current game. When a draw is called between 4 to 5 players you don't want those same 4 or 5 in the next game.

Am I just suffering from lack of alcohol?

(Ken Sproat 7 February 1999)

World Dipcon Downunder

(Editor's note: There has been much discussion on the ozdip-l mailing list about Australia bidding for the World Diplomacy Convention in 2002. These are the main letters that I think make and explain the major points of the discussion.)

I know that the idea about having World Dipcon is exciting but I'd like to raise a few issues. I always thought that we needed to get 50 to one Tournament before we put in for World Dipcon. We haven't had 40 to a tournament for 4 years. I know things have picked up in the last 8 months but we have to make sure that this is going to continue. While the Canberra numbers have risen over the last few years the Sydney and Melbourne tournaments have had fewer players.

Of course we now have Brisbane and the 2-3 Tournaments in New Zealand but we have to be able to prove that we have something sustainable over a few years. If the tournament is held in Australia we need 60 Australians playing. That is a huge increase. We also need the commitment of many of the seasoned players.There's the publicity. Organisation of Accomodation. Entertainment and Collection of overseas attendees.

For us to get WDC 12 we need to have Australian Players going to the next 3 WDC. The first one to say - "We intend to Bid". The second one to bid.The third on to say - "Come to Australia next year". Who is willing to go to an overseas tournament? There is a possibility that I might, but its less than 50%. It would be part of a trip to Germany to visit my sister-in-law.

We are playing with fire if we become part of the Europeans plan to stop America getting the tournament every second year. We could get hurt with this one. Having said all that, I'd love to see World Dipcon return Down Under.

(Ken Sproat 13 February 1999)

I believe the time is right to start a bid to hold WDC in 2002 or 2003. I will happily work in conjunction with anyone else who is willing to help organise it. I think a group of three or four would be an ideal number. I think discussions about where they should be held are not needed at this stage. I think we will easily attract 60 players from the D.A.A.N.Z. players pool. There are enormous numbers of players out there yet to be tapped into. From the internet alone there are over 400 players in Australia and New Zealand who are not yet active in the FTF scene. There are also significant numbers in the miniatures scene here in new Zealand who I have not yet begun to actively target and advertise the hobby to.

David Norman is willing to do the initial banner bearing for our cause in Europe. He needs something by Feb 23rd to submit for the zine, The Freaky Fungus, which is THE zine for WDC matters. There is also a Con (MasterCon) Feb 26th - 28th in Britain - the last English Con before WDC, at which WDC matters will be discussed, and which he will willingly try to drum up UK support for a DownunderWDC.

I will write something up this week as an INITIAL, BRIEF, pitch for David to use to help him float the idea in The Freaky Fungus and at MasterCon. Comments will be welcomed. I'll post it to Ozdip-l for comment before sending it off to David. Anyone who would like to help me out in writing this - email me directly. Following MasterCon, and the feedback from David, we can put our heads together and come up with a full "bells and whistles" type pitch for David to take to the upcoming WDC for us.

(Brandon Clarke 15 February 1999)

The hobby in Australia and New Zealand is on an upward trend at the moment and we should take advantage of that fact because history suggests this trend may not last forever. I'm willing to serve on a bid committee, but will happily stand aside in favour of someone who is more involved and more enthusiastic.

In my opinion, deciding the location for a downunder WDC is a matter of forming a consensus, it is not something that it is desireable to have a vote on. I think it will be reasonably easy to arrive at a consensus too. WDC needs to be held in a city and at a time where we can get the best possible turnout, both from Australia/NZ and from the rest of the world.

It's World DipCon, so we need to provide at least the potential for a good turnout from the rest of the world (apart from Australia and NZ). I believe that most attendees from the northern hemisphere would plan to combine a holiday with attending WDC downunder. For most people that really means spring, summer or autumn, not winter.

To get a decent local (Aust/NZ) turnout, it needs to be on a long weekend which is common to multiple regions. In Australia that timeframe means either Australia Day or Easter. In 2002 Australia Day (26 Jan) is a Saturday and in 2003 it is a Sunday; both create a longweekend Australia wide (except in Victoria). Easter is not a problem. Also, in 2002 Anzac Day will be a Thursday which rules that weekend out, though in 2003 it would be a Friday and a possibility.

The other factor is that the best way of ensuring a good local turnout is to build on an existing tournament time and location combination which has a good turnout. In my opinion this cuts the possible Australian locations back to Canberra (Australia Day) or Melbourne (Easter). The turnouts at other Australian tournaments are historically not high enough to make them realistic options IMO. I do not know whether the Kiwis would want to put NZ (Auckland I assume) forwards as a possible location (perhaps on Anzac Day)?

Brendan Whyte raised the issue of whether we should hold WDC as part of a general games convention, as opposed to a separate Diplomacy-only convention. Ken has recently detailed on this list the many problems with trying to hold Diplomacy at Cancon. My opinion is that no general games convention is capable of providing facilities of sufficient standard to be worthy of hosting World DipCon. If we did wish to go with a general games convention in Australia, Conquest in Melbourne at Easter is the only realistic option I am aware of. However, I think a separate event is greatly preferable.

I think all these factors argue in favour of CANBERRA over the Australia Day longweekend. It is:

  • a reasonable time of the year for overseas attendees
  • longweekend for local attendees
  • existing time and location that is normally well attended
  • best turnout of any Australian tournament most years
  • - already separate from general games conventions

In all these factors it is at least the equal of any other possibility. As Michael Gibson said, Canberra is the ultimate compromise; that's why we selected it for WDC in 1992. I'm happy to hear any well-reasoned alternative arguments, especially if New Zealand wants to put forwards an option.

(John Cain 15 February 1999)

Brandon asks: David... what was the reaction to our plans to bid for WDCXII at Mastercon? Feedback comes in two parts : The thoughts on an Oz bid, and the political situation it is likely to be in.

An Oz bid. The idea of WDC being in Australia again seemed to be welcomed by the people I spoke to about it. In general, I went for quality of people rather than quantity mainly Toby Harris, who I have mentionned in the past - the Editor of The Freaky Fungus, and general mover in the European Hobby, Shaun Derrick, the travel agent to the UK Dip community, and Subzine editor in FF, and Mark Wightman, who was the only other British Dip player to make it to WDC VIII in the USA. All thought WDC should be downunder again, and generally showed a good interest in the idea.

Probably the most useful bit of feedback from all of them, was that the timing of WDC will be far more important than the location. Whether it is in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney or even Perth, it is unlikely to alter who goes and who doesn't. However, the idea of a Con three weeks after Christmas/New Year when everybody has just had a holiday, and when airfares are high, etc, could mean a much smaller international turnout.

The Political Situation. As you may well know, the plan so far for WDC is:

1999, Easter, Namur, Belgium.
2000, Early August, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

From what I could gather, it looks like 2001 may well be in Oxford, England There does not seem to be much interest in holding WDC XI, and so this bid may well win it without any competition (as did Belgium for WDC IX). However, this is an English point of view, and so may be rather optimistic. If there is suddenly a much lower chance of a European WDC XII (due to the appearence of the Oz bid) then others may go for WDC XI instead).

For 2002, it could well be that the French and the Swedes will be bidding. However, the bidding for this will be in the USA, and so neither of them are likely to get it. Also bidding for this will probably be Larry Peery, who is trying to get a Con going in Dallas, and wants to get WDC there. However, most FtF players in the USA are on the East coast, so this will probably never happen. I expect there could well also be another US bid. However, I so far have no information as to what this will be. However, wherever it is, it will almost certainly be the main rival for the Oz bid. I am going to try and put out some more feelers, to see if I can get any further info. I will try to keep everybody informed.

(David Norman 14 March 1999)

(Ed.: David Norman reports from WDCX):

On the agenda were four items :

(1) The Oz bid for WDC XII
(2) The view of Hasbro w.r.t. Diplomacy
(3) The bids for WDC XI
(4) The confirmation of WDC X

Partly to keep up the suspense, and partly because it is easier, I will talk about them out of order.

(2) The view of Hasbro w.r.t. Diplomacy. Edi Birsan stood and talked about Hasbro's view on Dip. They will be bringing out both a boardgame and a CD-Rom towards the end of the year. They love Dip. They love us. They love what we do. They do not have any intention to shutdown Zines, judges, or anything else. We are the customer. They are the white knights who saved Dip from an AH which was going bankrupt.

(3) The bids for WDC XI. There were three bids.

(a) A French bid for Paris in February 2001. They handed out an A4 sheet giving details of who was running it, why it is such a good bid, etc, and talked about the experience of the Tournament Directors (about 90 Cons directed between the two of them). A well presented bid, which only lacked one thing - an exact location - where in Paris would it be ?

(b) An English bid for "Somewhere in England, hopefully Oxford". This bid was based on the well organised EuroDipCon last year, and the hope that the MasterCon tournament which hosted that could be combined with OxCon at Oxford Uni, to give a bid which was both good for Dip, and a good place to visit. However, the bid clearly lacked any amount of planning or substance so far.

(c) A joint Swedish and Danish bid for Copenhagen. This was centred around the fact that it would help get the Danish hobby going, would be supported by the strong Swedish Hobby, and by the fact that both countries had a government funded gaming organisation, who could between them, throw about 800 pounds at it. Again it clearly lacked any detailed planning or substance.

Unsurprisingly, the French bid won, due partly to the fact that the English players present voted mostly for the French bid, and the Swedish players voted mostly for the English bid. I guess neither felt that their bid was worthy of winning, and the English reation at least, was to vote for and accept the French bid, and do a much better job of bidding for 2003.

(4) The confirmation of WDC X. Dan Mathius confirmed that the new World Boardgaming Championships, also known as "Son of AvalonCon" would be able to hold WDC X next year, on 1st - 6th August 2000, at the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, Maryland, USA. The three rounds of Dip are Fri 6pm, Sat 9am and Sun 8am. Also, all players from overseas will have their accomodation and entrance fee paid. All you have to pay for is your flight to get there and back, and for what you eat and drink. To book a place, contact Dan at DCMATHIAS@EROLS.COM . Book early as places will fill fast (but if you book this early, make sure you specify that you are on about WDC X in 2000, and not the WBC this August at the same location).

And finally, the bit you have all been waiting for :

(1) The Oz bid for WDC XII

My presentation of the proposal to bid seemed to to go down pretty well. Several people seemed pretty enthusiastic, and nobody said they thought it was a bad idea. It was helped greatly by the fact that Shaun Derrick was there (he was at WDC III in 1992), as was Bjorn Von Knorring, who played in Oz in 1997. They added a lot of useful information, but more than that, they were able to give the feel of someone who had really been there and done it before, and not just someone who really liked the idea. :From the feedback I got back afterwards, I think people were pretty impressed

with the amount of thought which had already gone into the bid, given that it was still three years away - the fact that you already had thought about the problems like how international players would get to Canberra, despite the lack of an international airport, the fact that you knew when Easter 2002 was. The fact that you knew the exact location of the playing area and the accomodation already. This was made even more impressive by the fact that it was therefore better prepared than any of the three bids for WDC XI, despite the fact that it is another year to go before the real bidding took place.

Points arising:

(1) Bjorn asked if you still used the scoring system of simply 1 sc = 1 point. I said that you didn't, but now used the Detour98 series scoring systems, and gave a quick outline of how it works.
(2) Larry Peery asked if it clashed with the Olympics ! I confirmed that it missed by almost 2 years.
(3) I can't remember who asked about accomodation for overseas players.

Basically, it is a tradition with WDC that overseas players do not have to pay for accomodation or entrance fee. The Americans still honour this 100%, but in Europe it is becoming much more difficult, as the number of people playing abroad increases. In Sweden two years ago it was true, but the accomodation was that one hall at the venue was available for people to bring a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor if they wished - there is no minimum standard required for the free accomodation. In Belgium, this was not honoured at all, but then if it had, I think around 75% of players could have claimed it. Can anything like this be done for Canberra ?

(4) I was asked privately, why if you were interested, there were no players from downunder in Belgium. I explained that it clashed with one of the biggest tournaments in Oz, and that if it hadn't then there would have been some players from downunder in Belgium.

(5) The idea of holding the NZ championships two weeks later does not seem to be one that will have much takeup. Basically, consider the schedule. Assume that WDC is April 5-8 and NZDC is April 19-21. This would mean leaving London on the morning of April 3rd to land in Sydney on the evening of Apr 4, and taking off from NZ on the morning of Apr 22nd to get back very late that evening. This would mean taking a holiday of a minimum of Wednesday 3rd to Monday 22nd, which is a day off three weeks holiday, and that is not allowing any time to recover from jetlag. Most people would not be able to get this much time off work in one block.

To conclude, I think you are in with a good chance if you keep at it, and if I can get the right people behind it. The best way to ensure you win the bid is if every other possible candidate can be persuaded not to bid. Failing that, you just have to do such a good job that you are the natural choice, and given the level of work put in so far, this is quite possible to do, provided the effort continues to go into it.

(David Norman 10 April 1999)

(Editor's further note: I hope this gives you all some idea of what's been discussed so far. I'm happy to hear from, and print, anything from anyone. In summary, there will be a number of OZ/NZ players going to the next WDC (USA next year) who will attempt to win the bid to bring WDC to Australia in 2002.)

Forthcoming Tournaments

The 1999 NSW Diplomacy Championships

In association with SAGA.

Date: Saturday 12th- Monday 14th June.
Format: Three rounds of Diplomacy over three days. Play one, two or three rounds.
Location: University of New South Wales, Anzac Pde, Kensington.
Cost: $35 for 3 rounds.
Note: Play starts 9:00am each day.
Scoring system: KISS

For more information contact:
Craig Sedgwick, phone: (02) 9661-3926 or 0414 613926, email: craigsed@ozemail.com.au

The 1999 Queensland Diplomacy Championships

Date: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July.
Time: 9 A.M. - 8 P.M both days. If you want to play in one round only, 9 A.M. or 4.30 P.M. Saturday.
Venue: The Old ZZZ Room, University of Queensland Union complex.
Prizes: 1st prize $50 cheque, 2nd prize $25 cheque.
Entry Fee: $12.00 ($10.00 for Q.U.G.S. members) for both days; $6.00 ($5.00 for Q.U.G.S. members) for one round. Please mail entries and cheques (not cash) to the Q.U.G.S. Diplomacy Tournament, c/- Gary Johnson, PO Box 12187, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, QLD 4002.

Organiser and Referee: Gary Johnson, ph. (07) 3392 1760

The 1999 New Zealand Diplomacy Championships

Choose life. Choose a country. Choose an ally. Choose a target. Choose a sharp knife. Choose a pen, pad, a beer and a comfortable arm chair .... choose a Key Lepanto when you are sitting there on a Saturday morning mulling over your options. Choose Diplomacy instead of sitting on the couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose domination, and not the whips and chains sort (unless you want to). Give me Belgium... next year. Choose pissing in a miserable urinal in some unidentifiable pub that you've ended up in after celebrating long into the night drinking Stoli's with Jimmy "The Knife" Bounsall. Chat up a bald lesbian. Feed a dog snack food on a plate of questionable taste. Escape the brats you spawned to replace yourself, and spend a weekend with your mates, drinking too much, eating bad food, and playing games till you're the last one standing. Grow a beard. Chose Donism. Chose Bertie. Choose a latex glove. Choose your future. Choose life....

Come to the New Zealand Diplomacy Champs!

Details: Grant Torrie will be the Tournament Director for this year's NZDC. Grant and Brandon are currently working on sponsorship approaches for the event, and together with the change in venue from last year, this year's NZDC should be bigger and better than last year's booming success. There will be full bar facilities at reasonable rates available in the same room as the game boards, and the bar will be available until 11.30pm on the Saturday, and until after the prizegiving on the Sunday. There is a restaurant in the room adjoining the tournament room, and another bar and TAB and pool/snooker room in a second adjoining room.

Standard of Dress: IMPORTANT NOTICE - PLEASE READ: There is a dress standard at the venue. Players not meeting the dress standard will not be allowed into the venue. The dress standard is: No t-shirts. All shirts must have a collar. Dress shirts or polo shirts are acceptable. Jeans are acceptable, as long as they are tidy - no rips,grease stains etc. Shoes must be worn - no jandals. Overall dress standard is smart casual.

Date: 28-29 August 1999: New Zealand Diplomacy Championships
Format: 3 rounds over 2 days.
Location: The Commerce Club, 27 - 33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand.
Cost: NZ$30.00 at the door, NZ$25.00 before August 1st 1999. Single round NZ$15.00. You can start registering as an entrant by emailing Grant Torrie or Brandon Clarke or by phone, fax or post as per the details below in the "For more information contact:" section. To qualify for the NZ$25.00 price your payment must be recieved by August 1st, 1999.
Prizes: As well as the Calhamer Cup for the New Zealand Diplomacy Champion, and the Great Dalinski F.U.B.A.R. Memorial Cup for the biggest cock-up of the tournament, there will once again be one of those famous gnomes on offer for each "Best Country" award, and a one off "All Black" gnome for first overall to go with the Calhamer Cup. Also there will be prizes for Farthest Travelled within New Zealand, Best Overseas Player, Best New Zealand Player, 2nd - 7th overall, Player's Player of the Tournament (selected by players ballot), GM's choice player of the tournament for most meritorious performance outside the top 7 place getters, and finally the famous Wooden Spoon Award.
Accomodation: There is a motel that is attached to the Commerce Club. It is RIGHT next door. Grant and Brandon will be negotiating a group discount . To maximise the chances of your being able to take advantage of this let Brandon know as early as possible if you intend attending the NZDC.

For more information contact:

Grant Torrie, email: GTorrie@skycity.co.nz
Phone: NZ (09) 912 6227 (work); NZ(09) 630 0988 (home)
Postal: 2/2 Woodford Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.

Brandon Clarke, email: bjc@stevensons.co.nz.
Phone: NZ (09) 273-1027 (work); NZ (09) 636 7517 (home) Fax: (09) 273 1097
Postal: 81 Campbell Road, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand.

Canberra Capers '999

Venue : Canberra RSL club (Same as nationals)
Dates : October the 2nd and 3rd, 1999
Starting : Promptly at 9:00. Registraion the night before or from 8:30
Scoring sytem : reality. (outlined below)
TD : Andrew Goff (By committee TBD)
Organisers : Andrew Goff, Chris Goff, Arianwen Harris

For more information: GPO Box 81, Canberra City, 2601. (m) 0411536887, (bh) (02) 6248 0123, (ah) (02) 6247 0703, (Em) andrewgoff@hotmail.com

Proudly Affilliated with the DAANZ, Proudly Sponsored by DSM, Diplomactic Publishing and POOMPF

Australian Clubs

Queensland University Games Society

Meets 1st Saturday (except May, 2nd Sat) of every month in the Small Clubs & Societies Common Room in the Student Union Complex. Meetings run from 9am - 5pm. Various board games are played (Diplomacy not necessarily running).

Victorian Diplomacy Club (VDC)

Meets 3rd Saturday of every month at the Student Union Building, Melbourne University (2nd floor). Starting time 12pm. A number of different board games are played at this meeting. Contact: bwhyte@unimelb.edu.au or Brendan Whyte Geography Dept University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC 3052


The Sydney Board Games Club

Meets: 2nd Saturday of each month.
Location: The Russian Club, cnr Albert Rd & Raw Square, Strathfield (close to train and bus stations)
Cost: $2 for one day, $15 for annual membership, Members receive a 10% discount at Games World!
Games to be played will include: Chess, Diplomacy, Settlers of Catan, Advanced Civilization, Britannia, 18xx railway games, Magic: The Gathering, and any other games you'd like to bring along.

For more information, contact Geoff Kerr on (02) 9746 3615 or email geoff.kerr@scsenterprises.com.au

Ed.: On last report the Sydney Games Club had 15 people turn up and a good time was had by all. Please provide me with the appropriate details of any other clubs (or regular meetings) within Australia.

DAANZ Tournament Results

The 1999 Waikato Diplomacy Open

Overall Final Standings:

1. Brandon Clarke (AKL) 80.091 points
2. Andrew Royle (AKL) 67.759 points
3. Jimmy Millington (WEL) 61.903 points
4. Peter Taylor (AKL) 60.784 points
5. Grant Torrie (AKL) 60.427 points
6. Patrick Brennan (AKL) 52.728 points
7. Simon Harding (WEL) 50.825 points
8. Rick Vollebregt (WAI) 50.195 points *
9. William Black (AKL) 50.016 points
10. Patrick Shirley (AKL) 47.148 points
11. Russell Barke (AKL) 38.998 points
12. Quentin Ball (AKL) 37.037 points
13. Dave Graham (OTA) 35.781 points
14. Darren Gilchrist (WAI) 31.145 points
15. Sarah Thompson (AKL) 25.907 points *
16. Dale Franklin (CTY) 24.167 points
17. Rob Schone (WEL) 23.536 points
18. Melissa Nicholson (AKL) 23.445 points
19. Douglas Davey (WAI) 19.672 points **
20. Jerre Morris (WAI) 19.298 points **
21. Craig Bell (WAI) 12.281 points **
22. Adam Purcell (WAI) 9.259 points **
23. Sally Rosenburg (WAI) 4.918 points **
24. Craig Purcell (WAI) 3.747 points *
25=. John Devcich (WAI) 1.818 points **
25=. John Luckstedt (AKL) 1.818 points **
27. Gwynn Judd (WAI) 0.000 points **


1999 Victorian Diplomacy Championships

Place, Name, Score:
1, Rob Stephenson, 41
2, Robert Hadley, 40
3, Ken Sproat, 38
4, Bill Brown, 35
5, David Currell, 30
6, Craig Sedgwick, 28
7, Andrew Bushby, 27
8, Jason Whitby, 27
9, Richard Orme, 27
10, James Bounsall, 26
11, Emlyn Collins, 26
12, Brandon Clarke, 23
13, Chris Smoother, 20
14, Chris Goff, 19
15, Geoff Kerr, 19
16, Andrew Goff, 18
17, David Blom, 18
18, Rohan Keane, 18
19, Andrew Harding, 16
20, Andy Turner, 12**
21, Rohan Flavelle, 12**
22, Phil Orme, 12
23, Stephen Martyn, 11*
24, Chad Nimmagadda, 9
25, Roland Wallander, 4
26, Tristan Lee, 3*
27, Fleur Wimbourne, 1*

* = number of games if less than 3
Score=best of 3 scores

1999 Bismark Cup - Current Standings

Updated: May 1999
Custodian: Bill Brown

Summarised results:

Placing State Total

1 NZ Brandon Clarke 162
2 VIC Tristan Lee 108
3 VIC Rob Stephenson 105
4 VIC Bill Brown 88
5 VIC Rohan Flavelle 76
6 VIC Jason Whitby 70
7 VIC David Currell 65
8 VIC Rob Hadley 60
9 WA David Brown 56
10 NSW Chris Smoother 55
11 NZ Andrew Royle 53
= NSW Craig Sedgwick 53
13 VIC Ken Sproat 52
14 NZ Jimmy Millington 46
15 NZ Peter Taylor 41
16 NZ Grant Torrie 36
17 ACT Andrew Goff 34
18 NZ Patrick Brennan 31
19 VIC Andrew Bushby 30
20 NZ William Black 27
= NZ Simon Harding 27

Australian title was rated 5+2 boards
Waikato Open was rated 3+1 boards
Victorian title was rated 4+1 boards

This is an incomplete listing. The full list will be available on the DAANZ home page.

DIP Zines

Western Front by Brad Martin (a magazine that features Diplomacy as well as many, many other board games that are run by mail / email) (highly recommended): westfront@hotmail.com or Brad Martin 15 Turo Close Willeton WA 6155.

Damn The Consequences by Brendan Whyte (Australasia's longest running dipzine) features Diplomacy, Railway Rivals, and many other games and quizzes. Also features accounts of Brendan's many travels around the world: bwhyte@unimelb.edu.au or Brendan Whyte Geography Dept University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC 3052.


Date: Saturday 12th - Monday 14th June

In conjunction with SAGA

Venue: University of NSW, Anzac Parade, Kensington

Contact: Craig Sedgwick, phone: (02) 9661-3926 or 0414 613926, email: craigsed@ozemail.com.au

The 1999 Queensland Diplomacy Championships

Date: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July 1999

Venue: The Old ZZZ Room, University of Queensland Union complex

Entry Fee: $12

Format: 3 rounds over 2 days

Prizes: 1st prize $50 cheque, 2nd prize $25 cheque

Contact: Gary Johnson, ph. (07) 3392 1760, e-mail : garyjohnson@uq.net.au.


Date: 28-29 August 1999

Format: 3 rounds over 2 days.

Location: The Commerce Club, 27 - 33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera, Auckland,

New Zealand.

For more information contact:

Grant Torrie, email: GTorrie@skycity.co.nz

Phone: NZ (09) 912 6227 (work); NZ(09) 630 0988 (home)

Postal: 2/2 Woodford Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.

Brandon Clarke, email: bjc@stevensons.co.nz.

Phone: NZ (09) 273-1027 (work); NZ (09) 636 7517 (home)

Fax: (09) 273 1097

Postal: 81 Campbell Road, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand.

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
About this site.