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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

1998 Don Challenge

This three round tournament was played at the Kramers Hotel, Preston (Melbourne) 5-6 December 1998. There were two rounds on Saturday and one round on Sunday, with three boards in each round. The KIS scoring system was used. Tournament Director: John Cain.

1 Rob Stephenson (VIC) 36
2 Richard Orme (VIC) 32
3 Frank Meerbach (VIC) 30
4 Arianwen Harris (ACT) 28
5 Craig Sedgwick (NSW) 27
6 Dugal Ure (VIC) 27
7 David Currell (VIC) 25
8 Jason Whitby (VIC) 24
9 Rob Hadley (VIC) 22
10 Andrew Goff (ACT) 22
11 Bill Brown (VIC) 20
12 Brendan Whyte (NZ)** 18
13 Phil Orme (VIC) 14
14 Guy Mischlewski (VIC)** 8
15 David Blom (VIC)* 8
16 Rohan Keane (VIC) 7
17 James Bounsall (VIC) 3

Note * = number of games played if less than 3
Also Note: Matt Hastings, Shane Beck, Ross Lay and John Cain played a total
of 12 games between them as GM positions.


Austria (10 centres) Frank Meerbach
England (13) Rob Stephenson
France (14) Richard Orme
Germany (8) Bill Brown
Italy (10) Rob Stephenson
Russia (10) Craig Sedgwick
Turkey (14) David Currell

Most Improved player: Arianwen Harris scored her first 5 centre game, but she did better than that, finishing on 5, 6 and 11 centres for the Tournament. Well done Arianwen!

Many thanks to John Cain for doing his usual good job as GM, and to Shane Beck, Ross Lay and Matt Hastings for playing GM positions during the weekend.

Thank you to Rohan Keane for finding and arranging such a suitable venue, which we hope to return to for next year's DON VIII. Most players I talked to thought the venue was very good.

Results courtesy of Bill Brown: billious@one.net.au.


Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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