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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

2009 DON Diplomacy Championships Results

The 2008 DON Diplomacy Championships were held at the Cocoa Bean, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia from December 5 - 6. A continuous style of tournament play, as soon as 7 players are available a new game will start. Best two games counted for a player's ranking in the tournament.
The tournament director was Andrew Goff.

Rank Player State GM 1 GM 2 GM 3 GM 4 GM 5 GM 6 Score
1 Shane Cubis NSW 16.17 10.4 40 66.57
2 Steve Lytton VIC 21.25 12.9 1.66 35.82
3 Greg Evans NSW 16.66 11.4 5.33 32.90
4 Frank Meerbach VIC 13.66 12.9 4.33 30.90
5 Melissa Call AKL 6.25 15.33 21.58
6 Geoff Kerr NSW 17.25 1.66 2.33 21.25
7 Chris Goff ACT 1.33 8.33 11.4 21.07
8 Gabriel Singer NSW 2 5.33 9.4 16.63
9 Sean Colman NSW 0.66 1.66 12.9 15.23
10 Rob Stephenson VIC 1.66 12.33 15.00
11 Rob Hadley VIC 12.9 12.90
12 Thorin Munro NSW 3 4.4 4.66 12.07
13 Matt Cobb-Clark NSW 4.25 1 5.4 10.65
14 Andrew Goff ACT 6.33 1.66 0.66 8.67
15 Guy Mischiewski VIC 2 6.33 8.33
16 David Blom ACT 3 3
17 Tristan Lee VIC 1.33 1.33
ACT Australian Capital Territory
NSW New South Wales
VIC Victoria
Trophies Player SC
Don Champion Shane Cubis 37
Best Austria Shane Cubis 12
Best England Guy Mischiewski 3
Best France Geoff Kerr 14
Best Germany Steve Lytton 16
Best Italy Greg Evans 12
Best Russia Shane Cubis 18
Best Turkey Frank Meerbach 9

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 1 January, 2010
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