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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

1997 Queensland Diplomacy Championships

This four round tournament (two rounds each day) was hosted by the Queensland University Games Society over the weekend of July 26-27, at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. There were two boards each round. The official results are summarised below:

1st     Daniel Edwards (36 pts)
2nd     Christian Kelly (33 pts)
3rd     Darryl Greensill (25 pts)
4th     Glen Dawson (24 pts, best three games = 24 pts)
5th     Owen Gintis (24 pts, best three games = 22 pts)
6th     Simon Gallimore (22 pts)
7th     Paul Appleyard (21 pts)
8th     Peter Fordyce (20 pts)
9th     Dale Edwards (16 pts)

Other statistics:
Best Austria:  Peter Fordyce & Christian Kelly (9 pts)
Best England:  Christian Kelly (14 pts)
Best France:  Dale Edwards, Peter Fordyce, & Owen Gintis (10 pts)
Best Germany:  Daniel Edwards (10 pts)
Best Italy:  Darryl Greensill (10 pts)
Best Russia:  Daniel Edwards (9 pts)
Best Turkey:  Daniel Edwards & Simon Gallimore (10 pts)
Best Recovery:  Simon Gallimore, from 3 pts after two rounds
Most Ducks:  Dale Edwards (two), though Peter Fordyce managed 0 and 1

Results courtesy of Gary Johnson: gary.j@mailbox.uq.edu.au


Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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