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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

2001 Wollongong Diplomacy Championships Results

Gong Con I were held at North Wollongong PCYC - 11 Exeter Avenue, North Wollongong, NSW, Australia. from November 24-25. 3 rounds were played over 2 days with games scored using the C-Diplo scoring system. All three rounds counted for a player's ranking in the tournament.
The tournament director was Sean Colman.

NB: This tournament was DAANZ affiliated and counted for Masterpoints, but did not count towards the 2001 Bismark Cup. This was because it was only one week from an existing DAANZ affiliated tournament that did count, the Don tournament.

Rank Player State 1 2 3 Score
1 Brett Chatterton NSW 39.00 28.67 26.00 93.67
2 Greg Evans NSW 39.00 49.00 3.00 91.00
3 Andrew Mathieson NSW 2.00 10.50 53.00 65.50
4 Daniel Pavatich NSW 1.00 6.00 54.00 61.00
5 Shane Cubis NSW 50.00 8.00 1.00 59.00
6 Dwight Mowbray NSW 18.50 28.67   47.17
7 Geoff Kerr NSW 7.00 22.00 14.00 43.00
8 Sean Colman NSW 4.00 3.00 27.00 34.00
9 Sean Phelan NSW 1.00 28.67 1.00 30.67
10 Scott Chatterton NSW 14.00 1.00 8.50 23.50
11 Adam Testa NSW 18.50 1.00 1.00 20.50
12 Heath Parkes NSW   10.50 8.50 19.00
13 Trevor Osborne NSW 4.00 2.00 1.00 7.00
14= Carlo Bellinato NSW 1.00     1.00
14= Troy Jankowski NSW 1.00     1.00
14= Ben Kelly NSW     1.00 1.00
14= Craig Goldsmith NSW     1.00 1.00
NSW New South Wales
Trophies Player SC
The Gong Brett Chatterton 31
Best Austria Brett Chatterton 12
Best England Andrew Mathieson 14
Best France Daniel Pavatich 15
Best Germany Greg Evans 10
Best Italy Daniel Pavatich 5
Best Russia Scott Chatterton 4
Best Turkey Sean Colman 12
Team Champions-
Mad Hatters - Dwight Mowbray 8SC, Greg Evans 10SC
Best Game Round 1 : Shane Cubis 11SC as France
Best Game Round 2 : Greg Evans 10SC Germany
Best Game Round 3 : Daniel Pavatich 15SC as France

A total of 17 players participated

Most people I spoke to enjoyed themselves and will attend next year and hope that it is accepted as a full tournament counting towards Bismark Cup and Master Points.
Congratulations to Brett Chatterton on the Win. He said it has taken him 11 years to win a tournament and that this one was one of the toughest he has played in.
The BBQ for saturday lunch was a winner as everyone was well fed for the afternoon round. At this tournament there was not a disruption to the games for lunch. Lunch was held in between rounds so everyone could relax and enjoy the lunch break instead of having to have to continue negotiations. This was well thought of by the players and quite a few commented how good it was to be actually able to eat something during the lunch break rather than have the usual lunch turn = stab turn due to the extended negotiations that usually take place.

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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