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A Scoring System
By Andrew Goff
18 Centre Victories
If a player achieves an 18 centre victory, they are awarded 16800 points.
Scoring of Drawn Games
Each player will score 420 points for every centre they hold at the termination
of a game.
Each player is also awarded 1260 additional points for survival
in a declared draw.
In addition, 420 points are split equally between all players with the highest supply centre count.
420 points are split equally between all players who are within 1 of the highest supply centre count.
420 points are split equally between all players who are within 2 of the highest supply centre count.
Scores for Eliminated players and players losing to an 18 centre victory
Each eliminated or losing player scores 140 points per year of survival (with a maximum of ???). A year of survival is defined to be a year in which the player has at least one supply centre at the end of the year, and nobody has 18 or more centres at the end of that year.
Last modified:
15 May, 2022
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