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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

Squares Scoring System

1. Scoring of games resulting in a DRAW

(total of scores from a drawn game = 100 points)

  1. At the end of the game each player will score points equal to the square of the centres they hold. (For example, 5 centres = 25 points, 15 centres = 225 points).
  2. All points from a draw game will be standardized and converted (calculated as a percentage of the sum of scores from that game) so that the total of player scores from a drawn game equals 100 points.

2. Scoring of games resulting in an 18 centre WIN

(total of scores from an 18 centre win = 100 points)

  1. The winning player will score 100 points.
  2. All losing players will score zero.

3. Tournament results

At the end of the tournament, scores from each player's games will be added together and the player with the most points declared the winner. Tie-breakers will be used to separate players on equal points, with the following tie-breakers used in order:
  1. The player with the most wins. 
  2. The player included in the most drawn games. 
  3. The player with the better 'best' game. 
  4. The player with the better 'second best' game. 
  5. The player with the better 'third best' game. 

If two or more players cannot be split after using tie-breakers then they are considered to have finished equal. 

4. Comparing Games 

Games will be compared in the following order for tie-breakers, including tie-breaking best country awards. If a condition cannot split two players then the next condition is used. 
  1. Win beats Draw beats Elimination beats Loss (Therefore a game where a player loses will be considered below an Elimination or Draw even though more tournament points may be gained). 
  2. Points from game. 
  3. Position finished in game based on centres (1st, 2nd 3rd etc.) (Note an equal 1st is considered behind an outright 1st but ahead of a 2nd. Also the more players finishing equal the less it is worth. e.g. Equal 2nd with 2 players is better than equal 2nd with 3). 
  4. If both eliminated, longest survival based on fall supply centres. 
  5. Highest score when subtracting the score of the player finishing 1st in that game. 
  6. Same for 2nd to 7th (zero used for eliminated players). 
John Cain, 23 October 1999
Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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