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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

DAANZ Tournament Affiliation Requirements

The following rules set out the requirements for a tournament to be affiliated with the DAANZ. The DAANZ strongly encourages all Australian tournaments to be affiliated with the DAANZ.

1.0  DAANZ Sanctioned Tournaments

1.1 All tournaments must be sanctioned by the DAANZ in order for the results to be included in the DAANZ Masters Points and Bismark Cup.
1.2 In order for the tournament to be be sanctioned:
1.2.1 The timing of the tournament must be approved by the DAANZ Committee. 
1.2.2 The Organiser or Tournament Director must forward the Tournament Affiliation Fee to the Secretary of the DAANZ within one month of the date of the tournament. The Tournament Affiliation Fee is currently set at $1/player/round played; this is capped at a maximum fee of $3/player/tournament. A player is defined as a person who plays a scored game - this includes Tournament Directors (GMs) if their results are to be counted for Master Points or Bismark Cup.
1.2.3 The Organiser or Tournament Director must forward the tournament registration documents to the Secretary of the DAANZ within one month of the date of the tournament. 
1.2.4 The Organiser or Tournament Director must forward the Final Results and the Game Data Sheets to the Results Custodian of the DAANZ within one month of the date of the tournament. The Results Custodian is currently Bill Brown, 61 Loughnan Road, Ringwood, Vic, 3134. 

2.0  Tournament Registration 

2.1 All tournaments must include the following words as part of their tournament registration documents which must be signed by entrants to constitute valid entry to the tournament: 
    This tournament is run subject to the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia and the charter of the Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand. I agree to follow the directions and abide by the decisions of the Tournament Directors or their appointed deputies. 
2.2 Tournament registration documents must contain the following details: Name, Address, Age, Ranking (first tournament, novice, intermediate, senior, veteran, champion), number of intended rounds of play. A copy of the details of all players must be sent to the DAANZ secretary within a month. A sample registration document has been provided to the Organiser, and may be used for this purpose. 

3.0  Game Data Sheets

3.1 Game data sheets must identify the: tournament name; round played; players names; progressive and final scores; clearly identify which positions were GM positions (ie, not scored). A sample game data sheet has been provided to the Organiser, and may be used for the tournament. Games may run longer than 1920, at the Tournament Director's discretion. 

4.0  Scoring System 

4.1 A sample scoring system is been provided (KIS). The Tournament Director may use this system, or any other system deem appropriate. Whichever scoring system is used, it must be displayed at the venue for the duration of the tournament.

5.0  Game Timings 

5.1 The following timings are recommended as guidelines for all events, however, the Tournament Director may amend these timings as appropriate for the tournament. 
5.1.1 Traditional: The traditional game timings are two 20 minute rounds in 1901, followed by rounds of 15 minutes each. This method is only recommended for tournaments of at least three days, preferably four. 
5.1.2 Short: All turns 12 minutes long, or two initial rounds of 15 minutes in 1901 followed by rounds of 12 minutes. This method is only recommended for events featuring 3 rounds over two days. 

6.0  Tournament Rules 

6.1 A sample set of Suggested Tournament Rules has been provided to the Organiser. This is only a recommended set of tournament rules. The Tournament Director may amend the rules as deemed appropriate for the tournament. 
6.2 The rules that are to be used for the tournament must be displayed at the venue for the duration of the tournament. 
Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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