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Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy Australia, New Zealand, Diplomacy

2000 Bismark Cup Scoring System

The Bismark Cup is awarded to recognize the most successful player at Diplomacy tournaments throughout the calendar year. Players gain Bismark Cup points for play at DAANZ Sanctioned Diplomacy Tournaments. Points are awarded on a Grand Prix style system based on the size of the tournament and the player's placing (see table below). A player's total points throughout the year are divided by the number of tournaments at which they have played plus 2, with a minimum divisor of 6. The player with highest resulting score wins the Bismark Cup.

Past winners and previous scores are available on the Results Page.

					Number of boards
		2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
1st		30	60	70	80	90	100	110	120	130
2nd		23	47	53	60	68	75	83	90	98
3rd		20	42	46	52	59	65	72	78	85
4th		17	37	41	45	51	56	61	66	72
5th		15	32	36	40	44	50	55	60	65
6th		13	29	31	35	39	43	49	54	59
7th		11	24	27	30	34	38	42	48	52
8-10		8	16	18	20	23	25	28	30	33
11-14		5	13	15	17	19	20	22	24	26
15-17			9	12	14	16	18	19	21	22
18-21			5	8	11	13	15	17	18	20
22-28				5	8	10	12	13	14	17
29-35					5	8	9	11	12	13
36-42						5	8	8	10	11
43-49							5	6	8	9
50-56								5	6	8
57-63									5	6	
63+										5

NB: All players who play in a tournament score a minimum of 5 Bismark Cup points.

Pre-2000 Bismark Scoring:
Prior to 2000, a player's best four scores were totalled and any further scores ignored -- this feature was removed as there was concern that it provided an incentive for 'negative' play. In addition, certain tournaments attracted "bonus" boards which boosted the points scored at these tournaments: National: +2 board bonus (Australian, NZ); State/Island: +1 board bonus (Waikato, Victorian, NSW, QLD, ACT).

John Cain, 3 February 2000.

Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand, Incorp. Assoc. (Vic) no. A0029615P.

Last modified: 9 September, 2009
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